Chapter Eight

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Dustin called my phone but I let it go to voicemail I figured that he'd stop calling but was I wrong he just kept calling and calling I finally picked up.

I instantly said "What do you want?"

He said "I... I've been wanting to talk for awhile but can't seem to talk to you anymore...."

"Well yeah you said that it wasn't going to last and I'm not about to cry in school..." I told him

He gasped "Y... you cried over this...? I've hurt you...I...I..."

I stopped him and said "Cried? Cried?! I'm still crying about it."

Dustin didn't respond for about ten minutes so I hung up the phone thinking he left. My parents were gone for the week so I walked up stairs, grabbed some Chips Ahoy and some chocolate milk. I walked into the living room laid down on the couch and turned on the song See You Again I felt the tears come to my eyes but held them back.

I decided that I was done being the weak one and from that moment forward I wasn't going to cry over Dustin ever again

After that decision I started to go back to school getting good grades and being less sad, stressed, mad, and just everything.
One week Dustin wasn't at school but I didn't want to think about him or about what had happened or just him in general.

One morning in science class Dustin came in almost twenty minutes late he had bloodshot eyes, he didn't say a word just sat down and opened his textbook and wrote something on a piece of paper that he later crumpled up and threw in the trash.

He basically acted depressed all day and I finally got so sick and tried of all of his bullshit and wanting people to be sorry for him.

I just went up to him and said "What the fuck is your god damn problem?!"

He looked up from the floor and said "I miss and can't live without you..."

I stood in front of him without saying a word, I was in so much shock that I couldn't feel my own body, I couldn't see anything any more.

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