Chapter 8 - Katie Bell

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TW: Mentions of near-death experiances and mentions of being cursed

Katerína's POV

Draco and I were at 'The 3 Broomsticks'. We were drinking butterbeer while discussing on how we were going to deliver the cursed necklace to Dumbledore. "Excuse me. I need to use the loo." The boy with dull grey eyes stated and got up, walking towards the bathroom, which concluded with me sitting alone in the corner of the pub. How nice.

I was looking around, eavesdropping on people's conversations, since that is apparently something I enjoy to do, taking occasional sips of my butterbeer. Then my eyes suddenly landed on the familiar caramel brown ones. Hermione looked away, face slightly tinted red that I caught her staring at me. I smirked and laughed under my breath.

The golden trio's heads all darted towards Ginny and Dean, who were snogging. I watched as the Weasley boy's face turn disgusted.

"I'd like to leave." The redheads voice spoke seriously. "What? you can't be serious!" Hermione snapped. Ron then announced, "That happens to be my sister!" I snickered from that comment. "So? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? You expect her to get up and leave?" The Granger defended.

The smile that was on my face turned into a small frown. I felt this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach and looked down at my lap. "Harry! My boy!" Professor Slughorn's old voice cheered. "Hello sir! Wonderful to see you!" Potter got up from his seat to shake his hand. "And you, and you." The dark haired boy lets go of his hand.

"So what brings you here?" The raven haired boy asked while old man laughed. "Oh! Three Broomsticks and I go way back. Further than I care to admit. I can remember when it was One Broomstick." His hand gestures caused him to tilt over his glass and spill his drink onto Hermione.

I smiled while taking a sip of my drink. "All hands on deck Granger! Listen my boy, in the old days, I used to throw together a supper party. Select a student or 2. Would you be there?" The Professor questioned.

"I consider it an honor, sir!" Potter responded. "You'll be welcome too Granger." Hermione raised her glass of butterbeer. "I'd be delighted sir!" He grinned. "Splendid, look for my owl. Good to see you, Wallaby."

He gestured towards the redhead boy who had a confused look on his face. The two boys then started talking and the Gryffindor girl looked towards me and gave me a fake smile, noticing that I was laughing. I then pointed towards my mouth to try and notify her that she had some cream on hers. The Granger quickly wiped it off with the ends of her sleeves and blushed slightly.

"Ms. Alvárez!" I looked away from the Gryffindor girl to see the same Professor, that had stood with the other three earlier, now with me.

Professor Slughorn started explaining about the dinner party I overheard him talking about before. "-are one of my best students. Would you like to come?" I plastered a wide smile on my face and nodded. "I would love to." He grinned. "Well then. Just wait for my owl!" The old Professor laughed and walked away.

Time skip, a few minutes later

It has been a while since Draco went to use the bathroom. I soon realised he wasn't coming back, so I left the pub after finishing my drink. After a few minutes of walking, I heard an ear deafening scream. My curiosity got the better of me, leading to me looking for the source of that sound.

I ran towards where I heard the scream and saw the golden trio and some other girl standing there. And another girl floating around as if an invisible source was moving her around. "I warned her. I warned her not to touch it!" who I assume to be a friend of the floating girl, worriedly said. All five of us just stood there, staring at the floating girl, not knowing what to do.

She then dropped to the snowy pavement. *Thud* "Don't get any closer!" Hagrid's voice yelled from behind. "Get back, all of you!" Hagrid picked the girl up and Potter walked towards a bag on the floor.

"Do not touch that! 'Cept for the wrappers! Do you understand?" Hagrid warned him. The boy with round glasses kneeled next to it and saw a necklace.

All of us walked back to the school and went to find Professor McGonagall. "You sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?" She questioned the friend of the floating girl. "Like I said, she left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package. She said that it was important she deliver it."

I have already figured out what happened. Draco decided to find some random girl, whose name was Katie Bell, to deliver the necklace to Dumbledore. That boy will be the death of me. "Did she say to whom?" McGonagall asked. "To Professor Dumbledore." The brunette Professor gestured for the girl to leave with her hands, saying, "Very well. Thank you, Leanne. You may go."

She hurried away, leaving just me, and the trio, in the office with Professor McGonagall. "Why is it when something happens, it is always you three?" She quizzed the trio, annoyed. "Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years." The redhead with blue eyes answered.

"Oh, Severus." McGonagall greeted as Snape walked in. He lifted the necklace up with his wand. "What do you think?" The brunette Professor worriedly asked. "I think Ms. Bell is lucky to be alive." I rolled my eyes as he tried to act clueless.

"She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie. Off the quidditch pitch. She wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly." McGonagall nodded in agreement. "Yes she was cursed."

Suddenly Potter responded with, "It was Malfoy." I looked up at the black haired Professor in shock and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Of course it isn't, he is just a kid. Malfoy may be a bully but he isn't evil." I shrieked.

"Oh course you would defend him. You two are Slytherins, both the same. Who knows, it might've been you who did it." The boy with the scar accused. "That is a very serious accusation, Potter." The female Professor declared while she turned to face him. "Indeed. Your evidence?" Snape asked, now looking at him as well, setting the necklace down.

"I just know." He breathed out. "You just... know. You astonished with your gifts, Potter. Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the chosen one." Snape added. "I suggest you go back to you dormitories. All of you." McGonagall ordered. We all shuffled off, Professor Snape giving me one last look and I went back to my dorm.

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