Chapter 11 - Ron And Lavender

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Katerína's POV

It is currently November. McLaggen got detention for what he did. I didn't, since Potter promised he wouldn't tell anyone what I did since I technically saved Hermione. McLaggen was too scared to speak up, so he didn't say anything about it either.

Today is the Slytherin against Gryffindor quidditch match. I am the keeper. To be honest, any quidditch team other than the Gryffindor one... sucks, mainly because scar-head is on it. I am still competitive, and have that slight bit of hope that we can win. I mean, it's not just about winning, it's about working as a team and having fun, right?

Time skip

Wrong. A game is not fun unless you win. You can probably guess from my attitude that we lost. The only good part of me playing quidditch is being able to see a glimpse of the girl with frizzy hair every once in a while.

She would look back at me and we would hold a few seconds of eye contact. Those few seconds felt like an eternity. It felt like everyone around me suddenly stopped moving, my heart would skip a beat. Then she would look away and knit her eyebrow together again, worrying about what might happen to Weasley.

Rumor has it that she fancies him, which kind of makes me angry, even mad, but I tried to tell myself that I don't like Granger. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I'm straight anymore. Either way, the point is, we didn't win.

I aggressively threw my quidditch gear and broom into the closet. Didn't even bother changing into... less gross and sweaty clothes. I didn't shower either, but I don't care. I was so consumed by my anger. Why does the Slytherin team have to... suck!? Wow. I see why people say I have anger issues.

Draco isn't on the team anymore. After he got the dark mark, he seemed to be consumed by this huge amount of darkness. Started blocking out all his friends, who weren't real anyways. He barely slept or ate, he just lived in this little world filled with depression.

I mean I can't even judge him, I'm doing the same thing, but there is no way I am ever giving up quidditch. It is the only fun thing in my life.

I was storming through the hallways of Hogwarts, heading towards the black lake. Nature always found a way to comfort me. As cheesy as that sounds, it's true. The crystal clear water rippling. Trees rustling on a windy, late autumn day. The scenery as it is can calm me down, everything else is just the cherry on top.

I stopped walking right when I heard sobbing. As I've mentioned before, I can't stand it when people cry. As rude I may seem, when someone starts crying, I will do everything in my power to cheer them up. Pretty rich coming from a bully.

I quickly walked towards the echoing sobs until my eyes landed on a certain brunette Gryffindor with beautiful coffee brown eyes sitting on the stairs next to a giant window. It broke me seeing how broken she was.

Hermione's POV

I was crying alone since I saw the boy I've had a crush on for a long time kiss another girl, Lavender Brown. I heard footsteps coming my direction and assumed it was just Harry coming to look for me. I looked up to see a familiar pair of hazel green eyes filled with pity, eyeing me sadly.

I quickly wiped my tears, looking away, not wanting her to see me like this. I know how she felt about me. As much as she would like to deny it, the kiss we shared shows it. And the truth is, I felt the same. Felt. I couldn't allow myself to like her. At least not anymore, with all that is happening.

I could hear her sigh and hesitantly sit down next to me. "Charm spell, just practising." I spoke, breaking the silence. "They're really good." She replied. "How does it feel, Rina?" She turned her head to look at me. "Seeing me with Ron? I know." She never broke eye contact and carefully put an arm around me, sharing warmth that I didn't know she had.

I slightly leaned onto her shoulder and we just stayed like that until some obnoxious giggling ruined the moment. Both our heads snapped towards where the sound came from and saw a curly haired brunette with a pink bow. It was Lavender

She was wearing a light pink button up shirt with polka dots on it and a long silver necklace. She was linking arms with the redhead I was crying over. At this moment I felt stupid. I shouldn't be crying over Ron. If I had to cry over a redhead, he was definitely the wrong one.

Rina's hand has moved away from my shoulder, and was staring daggers towards the two. I could see her reaching for her wand though I quickly stopped her before she could let her severe anger issues take over.

"Oops! I think this room is taken." Lavender's annoying high pitched voice spoke, provoking me to do something. But I didn't let my jealousy take over me, yet. Lavender tugged the boy wearing a green shirt with zig zags on it with both hands and scurried away into the stairwell.

"What's with the birds?" Ronald questioned, completely oblivious to how I was feeling at the time, provoking me even more. What kind of friend was he to do this to me?

My jealousy completely took over me, causing me to stand up quickly, hands by my side. In the corner of my eye, I saw the Slytherin girl slightly smirking, as if she was proud, which made me kind of proud of myself too.

"Oppugno." The birds that were behind me before all marched towards Ronald. His face looked terrified and tried to dodge them. They all ended up crashing into the wall behind him. He was breathing heavily and stared at me wide eyed. He slowly walked away while some feathers were still falling from the wall.

I couldn't control my cries anymore and broke into a fit of sobs while sitting back down. I braided my hand with Rina's and leaned my head on her shoulder once again. She put her other clothed hand over mine and leaned her head on mine, strands of her red hair tickling the back of my neck. In a weird way, that made me feel safe. "It feels like this."

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