Chapter 1 - Meeting For The First Time

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Italics are flashbacks/memories

TW: Mentions of murder

Katerína's POV

I sat alone in the dark. The only brightness in my bedroom was the dim light of the candle on my red velvet cupcake. It was my 8th birthday, and of course everyone has forgotten. I was forcing myself to not cry since father would constantly remind me that crying is weak. He thought showing any sort of emotion was weak, that's why the Alvárez household has always been dull. 

"Happy birthday to me." I sang softly, made a wish, and blew out the single candle. Most rich kids would probably wish for new toys, or new clothes, but I was never the type of child to like to spend money. Honestly, many people would describe me as cheap. Instead, I wished for the one thing I wanted, needed. 'I wish that I can finally be happy.'

Soon after, muffled shouting came from the living room. I sighed, knowing that my wish won't come true. Not soon, not ever, even. I went to the corner of the room and curled myself into a ball. I started eating my cupcake, blocking out the yelling with my thoughts. I was always a daydreamer.

My thinking came to an abrupt stop right after the loudest shout, probably coming from father, and I saw a flash of green light from under my door. I couldn't make out what he said, but it sounded like some sort of spell. Then I heard a high pitched scream and sobs from mother.

*Thud* 'What was that?' I thought to myself. I slowly walked to the door and twisted the doorknob , swinging my door open carefully.

Outside I saw father sitting on one of the expensive couches with a bottle of tequila in his hand. Mother was lying lifeless on the floor, as if she was... dead. No, that can't be. Father wouldn't do that. He was mean sure, but this was... cruel. Father's not a murderer... is he?

Father was sent to Azkaban soon after and mother's funeral was held a few days later. I wanted to cry and break down and let my sadness overflow. I thought since father isn't here now, he can't tell me what to do, how to act, what to feel, but all I felt was numbness.

"Katerína. Katerína!" A faint voice called out. "KATERÍNA!" I yelped at the sudden outburst. "The train is going to leave!" My aunt Merida informed me. After mother died, and father was sent to Azkaban, the only other family I had was aunt Merida. I was kinda like Harry Potter, except my aunt was WAY nicer than his. She may have been a little strict. Ok, very strict, but she cared, that was good enough.

"You have everything?" I nodded and hummed in assurance. "Don't lose Oliver again." She warned in a stern voice. "How stupid would I be to lose my precious cat again?" She stared at me with a slight smile creeping on her lips. "Oh come here!" She exclaimed, embracing me in a tight hug.

I hated hugs, or any sort of physical intimacy. I only accepted aunt Merida's hugs. Those were the most motherly gestures I have ever experienced from anyone. "I'll miss you." I murmured into her shoulder. "Me too." I let go and was suddenly knocked over.

Hermione's POV

Oh my God! I was running late! I was running late to the Hogwarts Express! I ran as fast as I could through the brick wall. "Whew!" I sighed in relief. I'm not late!

*Thump* I groaned in pain. "Watch where you're going, mudblood!" Said a familiar voice. It was Katerína. The girl everyone wanted to date. Even non Slytherins. She was also very mysterious. No one knows a thing about her past or her family. Probably one of the reasons why people adore her so much.

"Now, now Katerína, be nice." A stern voice spoke. Katerína huffed and mumbled an apology while glaring at me before walking off.

"Sorry about that dear." The lady reached out a hand to help me up. I sniffled from embarrassment and from how much it hurt falling over. "Katerína can be disrespectful at times, but deep down she's a sweetheart. I'm her aunt, Merida." She gave me a warm smile. "Hermione Granger. And I understand. Slytherins are quite mean sometimes." 

Merida furrowed her eyebrows. My eyes went wide. "Oh no, I didn't mean it like that! Not all Slytherins are mea-" She smirked. "No worries dear. I do agree with you. I'm a Hufflepuff." She stated, whispering the last part. I chuckled. "Well, I got to go. Sorry!" I blurted out. "Of course, dear. Bye!" I waved goodbye to her and went into the train.

784 words

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