The rath of Zari and sanjay

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Lila: I've got a plan, but shashi and Sanjay wouldn't like it.
Layla: what are you thinking?
Lila: Zari comes in here to get stuff then leaves, if we could lock her in we could get her brother back for what Sanjay did.
Tony: but how, the triplets aren't here so how do we distract them?
Lila: I can run out and press the button and then slide under before the door closes.
Layla: sounds good.
Tony: yea but be careful, look here she comes now, hurry Lila!!
Lila: ( closes the door on Zari)
Zari: omg why would you do that you rat!! Now I'm stuck with y'all until they come back from getting more supplies!!.
Lila: yes it worked!
Tony: (grabs Zari) say still!
Lila: (sprays her with sleeping spray)
Zari: (passes out)
Lila: (beats her up until she bleeds)
Lila: all done
Layla and tony: (laughs) wow brutal.
Zari: (wakes up and leaves) ugh dad!! Look what those rats did to me!!! AND IM BLEEDING!!!!!!!!
Shashi: ZARI what did They do to you!!
Zari: not they, she!!! Lila did this!!!
Sanjay: and they will all pay for it to!!
Zari: (crying) oww my nose feels like it's broken!!!
Shashi: let's get you cleans up. Bring out tony, Layla, and Lila. I was going to wait until we got the rest of them but after this stunt, punishment will be done early. And tony and Layla get to watch!
Zari: oww oww oww!!!!! Gentle dad!! That hurts!!!
Shashi: I'm sorry baby girl, I'm trying not to hurt you ok.
Zari: oh well try harder!! Oww!!!!
Shashi: see daddy's done, it's over now, let's go we've got people to hurt back.
Zari: good because that family obsessed rat will pay for this.!!
20 minutes later........
Layla: what are you gonna do to her?
Shashi: your about to see.(picks up a taser and a knife.)
Tony: don't use those things on her!!!
Shashi: well maybe you should teach your kids to keep there hands to themselves!!!!!
Tony: sense you wanna be like that, next time we won't be so generous!!!!!!
Shashi: you won't hurt her EVER AGAIN!!! That's a promise toretto!!!!!
( cuts Lila's hands and arms)
Layla and tony: NOO!!!!!
Shashi: YES!! Let's do that again. (Cuts her hands, arms, torso, and corner of her head) ( then shocks her)
Lila: (screaming and crying and bleeding from cuts ) pleas stop!!!!! It hurts so bad!!!
Zari: (laughs) now you know what it feels like!!!!
Sanjay: ( laughing) ok I think that's enough now dad.
Shashi: (laughs) toss them back in the garage. Come on kids let's get something to eat, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.
Sanjay: ok
Zari : coming!!
5 minutes later.......
Layla: I'm sorry Lila
Tony: there was nothing we could do to help.
Lila: ok I can admit I was in pain but I can't be mad at them for something they couldn't control.
Lila: I'm not mad at you, you don't have to apologize.
Layla: just sit and rest the pain will Be over tomorrow.
Tony: and we love you
Lila: love you to.
(Back with the team)
Tyler: so this is rio?
Tayla: yep this is it, not Lila is in the favelas right?
Talia: I just wanna get them and go home.
Tj: we all do Talia, but we gotta look for them first.
Lonnie: well let's get looking then.

(Back at the where house)
Shashi: have the rest of them arrived yet?
Sanjay: yea they have and there searching the favelas as we speak.
Shashi: good
Zari: so let's go get them then!
Shashi: Zari darling be patient, we need them to track their sister first, then we'll bag them to ok?
Zari: fine.
Sanjay: now all we have to do is wait.

Oh no is the team wandering into a trap? What will shashi, Sanjay, and Zari do when the catch the rest of them? Keep reading to find out what comes next!!✌️❤️
To be continued.........✌️❤️

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