Quirks and Disabilities

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1. Big eater. I absolutely love seeing these more with girls. Like, c'mon, we all know we have a secret obsession with food.

2. Winks for absolutely no reason. I've really never read a book where a character just winks even when they aren't flirting. Make them wink when saying hi to someone! This one's a little wired though, so please tell me if you don't like it.

3. Neat freak. Everything has to be where they want it and it feels like the walls are caving in when things are out of place.

4. A complete slob, but knows where everything is. They could put the most random things in the most random spots and still find everything they need.

5. Different eye colors. David Bowie everybody! But don't add more than one character with different eye colors in one story since it's very rare.

6. Short tempered. Take it from me, the character will snap at the most random things even when someone isn't being mean. Also, they hate being told what to do.

7. Introvert or extrovert. Pretty basic but still important.

8. Persuasive. They can get away with basically anything by changing their personality. Or they are very good at brining people.

1. ADHD. They're constantly forgetting stuff and at certain times, they just can't focus. Sometimes they'll wear certain jewelry they can fidget with when they get bored.

2. Dyslexia. 

3. Bad eye sight. They're practically blind without glasses or contacts.

4. Paralyzed body part such as an arm or leg. Obviously, if their legs are paralyzed they're going to need a wheelchair. Maybe a friend or family will help them.

5. Mute. They'll struggle in life, obviously, because they can't put the same amount of emotion through sign language than they can speaking. Maybe they'll have a friend or family member to be thei interpreter (hopefully I spelled that right) to communicate with people who don't know sign.

5. Deaf. Basically everything I went over with being mute except they can't hear, of course.

6. Learning disabilities. Either it's that they can't focus on one thing, or they really struggle with learning new things. Some people won't understand and they'll get frustrated with the person that has the learning disability.

Hope these help! Please message me if you have any other quirks or disabilities you'd like me to add! And I apologize I didn't really do any research on these things, I kind just went with what I know already.

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