Character Development Sheet

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I don't know about you, but I usually skip over the character development progress. It's not always necessary, but it does help a lot! Obviously, the basics are the easiest, but to take the next step is working on an in depth personality and how they react to certain things. After that, comes strengths and weaknesses, family, relationships, morals, etc.

Here's a pretty basic character development sheet, but I hope it still helps! I'd love it if you'd fill it out too so I can hear about everyone else's characters. 

Full Name: 




Hair color/ length/texture: 

Eye color/shape/size:

Skin color:

Distinguished marks/features: 

Personality traits(good & bad): 





Relationship with family: 

Biggest fear:

Favorite person:

Least favorite person: 

Describe their laugh and/or smile: 

What makes them happy: 

What makes them angry: 

Introvert or extrovert: 

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