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( hiii, omg so this is the first fanfic ive written in so long, since ive been inactive for like 2 years LMAO (i originally had a different account before this one hahaha). so sorry if its not too good im slowly trying to get used to writing again LOL. anyways,,hope you enjoy!! 😋 )


You had just moved into a new town for the umpteenth time, which was due to your mother finding "better" work opportunities in different parts of California and constantly applying for them which, 9/10, she surprisingly always ended up getting the job. Of course you were happy for her, she is your mother after all, though you couldn't help but become fed up with how constantly it was happening - I mean, the two of you had moved at least six times since you started high school!

What upset you the most about this predicament was having to constantly switch schools, meaning that you constantly had to leave friends behind. You remember when the first move happened, you were only in the 2nd grade. You had gotten along with a good amount of the kids in your class and grade level, though you were really only close friends with one of those kids. The two of you instantly bonded and became best friends during the first week of school, you guys were inseparable - that was until your mother had announced that you were going to be moving. You remember being so heartbroken about the situation, being so devastated about telling them the news.

You couldn't remember the kids name, as it was such a while ago now and other stuff had happened since then, but the situation had affected you so much - so much so that you never really put in any effort to make any real friends after that incident, knowing that you would eventually move away and have to start from the beginning again.

Though this time, you wanted to change that.

Since this year is your senior year, your last year of high school.. you wanted to start over again, whether you possibly moved away a few months into the school year or not. And what's a better way to start off your last year of school than to go to a party?

You're not usually the party type, hell, you could literally count the amount of times you've gone out to a party on one hand - school parties that is. Though, you were persuaded by your one and only true friend; Jayden. Even though the two of you could still visit each other - which you two occasionally did - only moving an hour or so away from one other, you both preferred texting as a way of communication due to school and other stuff. She's still the only person you could truly call your friend since she actually put in some effort and managed to keep in contact with you during your move last year, you could tell that she honestly saw you as a friend, you obviously feeling the same way about her.

The two of you were messaging each other about how you both felt about the upcoming school year, you telling her your plan on how you wanted to actually gain a new friend or two - though your main goal was to eventually have a decent friend group - before you ended up finishing school. Of course, she was happy for you and even gave you a few tips on how to go about it, eventually slipping in the idea of going to a party that was nearby where you resided, explaining that she had heard about it on various forms of social media. When you first read her response, you instantly rolled your eyes at the idea. You, going to a party? The thought of that was laughable to you, though you honestly had started to ponder on the idea.

Your summer break had been as boring as it possibly could be, the most exciting thing happening was being able to visit your cousins who lived a few hours away. And plus, you could really use the "status points" or whatever Jayden was referring to, since it was a new school and all. You eventually gave in and agreed to the idea, Jayden telling you that she'd pick you up around 9pm.

starting over |                              s. tankian x readerWhere stories live. Discover now