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"Y/N, huh? That's a neat name, nice to meet you too."


You eventually retracted your hand from Serj's, the two of you awkwardly staring at one another, not really sure what to do next. "Um," You listened as Serj had cleared his throat before sticking both hands into his jackets' pockets, "Would you like to uh, join me outside? I was actually thinking about leaving before I had bumped into you heh, but you seem pretty cool and laid-back.. we could just go sit outside somewhere, chill and talk if you'd like. It's the least I could do since I spilled my drink all over your shirt and, uh, yeah.." He explained, well, more so rambled out.

You couldn't help but let out a small laugh, already being amused by Serj. You're sure that Jayden was fine.. seeming that you hadn't received any calls or messages from her, or the fact that you truly hadn't bumped into her again. And honestly, this is what you needed, the whole reason why you even agreed to come to this stupid party in the first place - to meet new people and possibly make a new potential friend.

Plus, how could you say no to an offer like that?

"Well, you don't seem like a crazed murderer or anything of the sort, so sure! I'm down."
You both laughed at your comment before Serj had suddenly grabbed your hand, causing you to quickly turn red in the face from the sudden gesture, following behind him through the crowd of people. The two of you eventually exited through the sliding door that lead out into the backyard, which was surprisingly empty, and past the front lawn, making your way over to where all of the vehicles were parked.

You stopped in your tracks as you watched Serj lift himself up onto the hood of, what you presumed to be, his car as he kindly smiled at you. "C'mon, sit down next to me. No need to be shy." He chuckled, causing you to laugh along with him before walking over to the car. You eventually sat down next to him, staring at the house for a bit before fixing your eyes upwards to the sky, noticing just how many stars were out tonight - it was honestly pretty rare to see but, neither the less, it was wonderful sight to see.

You suddenly let out a content sigh, finally feeling relieved to get some fresh air, Serj ultimately doing the same before snorting out a laugh. "I don't know how much longer I would've survived in there, I'm definitely not fit for huge parties."

"I totally agree with you," You giggled before focusing your gaze on him and curiosity raised a brow, "Why exactly did you come here then? I'm guessing you were invited or something, right?" You watched as Serj laughed before shaking his head, the man slouching down a bit as he leaned his back against the front window of the car.

"Well, one of friends actually got invited to come since one of his friends knows the person who threw the party," He chuckled, "And I was forced to come with him heh. We were both chilling at his place, and he randomly mentioned the party to me, begging for me to join him. I only said yes because he promised that there'd be alcohol and weed here, which turned out to be true. Plus, I just wanted him to shut up about it."

The two of you laughed a bit, you shifting in your spot and repositioning yourself to where your knees were pressed up against your chest, feeling more comfortable in the position. "How come he's not with you right now?" You asked, tilting your head a bit while Serj only shrugged, "When we first came here, it was way less crowded since we arrived a bit early. I remember smoking a bit and then, before I even realized it, the place was packed and he was gone. Knowing him though, he's probably somewhere passed out right now." Serj snickered before turning to face you, "What about you?"

"Oh! Well uh, a friend of mine dragged me here as an attempt to socialize and make new friends I suppose. I was expecting to enjoy the party with her but, I ended up getting lost after only being in there for less than five minutes." You laughed before sighing, "Then I bumped into you trying to look for her heh, and here we are now I guess."

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