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"Yeah! I'd like that, thanks." You sheepishly responded, making sure that you had all of your needed belongings, Serj doing the same, before the two of you made your way over to the classroom..


The first half of your classes seemed to go by surprisingly fast! Since it was the first day of school, all you were doing in each class period was introducing yourself infront of various students while watching them do the same - whether if it was in the form of a fun and exciting activity, or simply filling out an "all about me" sheet and turning it in.

During each class though, with an exception of first and third period, you were relieved when Serj decided to seat himself beside or across from you - meaning that the classes were going to be way more entertaining in the future since he was there to keep you company.

You snapped out of it once the bell had finally rung, watching as everyone shot up from their seats and hurriedly made their way out of the door. "C'mon, we have lunch for this period!" You looked over at Serj and watched as he began grabbing his belongings, you following suit before exiting out of the classroom with him.

"Is the food here good, or at the very least, edible?" You asked while laughing, "At the other schools I've gone to, their lunch has always been super shitty.. especially the previous one, I was only there for a few months and they managed to catch more than a dozen food poisoning cases."

"Jeez, that's horrible! I would say that the lunch here is alright, can't say that I've ever heard anyone receive food poisoning from it." Serj chuckled a bit before looking down at you, his smile widening a bit. "Also, from what you said, I'm guessing that you move around a lot? How come?"

"Oh! Well uh, my mom is usually the reason why I move around a lot.. she constantly gets recommendations for new job opportunities with higher pay, which, nine times out of ten, means that we're going to have to move." You sighed a bit before continuing, "I know that she means no harm with her decisions, it's only me and her living together so I understand that she wants the best for both of us, but it just sucks... especially with switching schools so often and stuff, ya know?"

Your eyes widened once you realized how much you actually told him, instantly feeling a wave of embarrassment hit you all at once. "I uh, I didn't mean to ramble on for so long.. sorry."

"No, no.. it's fine!" You looked at Serj and watched as he gave you a reassuring grin, immediately making you feel a bit better. "I asked you a personal question, so I sort of expected a long response," He chuckled, "But with that being said, whether or not you move away during this school year, you're going to be stuck with me for the remainder of this year! I'm going to make it my mission for you to have a great senior year here!"

You felt your face heat up from hearing Serj's words, not because of the fact that you were going to be spending time with Serj, but because of the fact that he was being so generous towards you - no one you could think of has really managed to, especially not someone who you've just met a week ago.

"Wow uh, thanks? I'm not really sure what to say." The two of you laughed before Serj gently patted your shoulder, "No problem! I'm willing doing this because I want to, not because I have some sort of hero complex or anything."

You slowed down in your tracks once the two of you had entered the cafeteria, sighing a bit from how packed it was in there. "Y'know, we don't have to eat in here if you don't want.. we're allowed to go outside in the field during our lunch block."

"I'd very much like that, I can't stand crowded areas." You laughed a bit as you stood in the lunch line, hearing Serj verbally agree with your response. It wasn't long until you both had received your lunches, you deciding on a sandwich and a bag of chips while Serj simply chose a salad instead.

Following behind him, you squinted your eyes once the two of you had made it outside and began walking over to the bleachers. "Hey, Serj! Over here!" You lifted your head up once you heard someone call out Serj's name, though you couldn't quite make out who it was from where you were standing out.

"Oh, let me introduce you to the rest of my friends!" Serj said to you before eventually yelling back, both of you making your way over to them.

"Hey! Took you long enough, man!" You both sat down once you made it, you sitting beside Serj and Serj sitting beside one of his friend's - the one who you supposed was calling him over. You were finally able to get a good look at the guy, who noticably stood out the more you looked at him. He had a freshly shaved head along with a long, braided goatee - you could mistake him for being a teacher if it wasn't for the unprofessional outfit that he was wearing.

"Yo, who's this lovely person you brought over here?" You immediately felt your cheeks flush once the guy's attention was suddenly on you, watching as the rest of Serj's friends were staring at you. "Oh yeah, this is Y/N! I met them at the party that me and Daron went to last week!"

..Daron?? The name sounded so familiar to you, why couldn't you remember who it was?

"Y/N, this is Shavo! He's been my friend for the longest time now." You both waved at each other as Serj continued, "This is John, who you already met earlier this morning. And this is Daron! This is the guy who I originally came to the party with, but he ended up abandoning me to get shit-faced drunk instead."

You laughed a bit from Serj's comment before looking over at Daron, simply waving at him before it hit you - he was the guy who sat next to on the bus this morning! Why couldn't you remember something as simple as that?

"Yeah, I actually met Daron this morning too! He sat down on the bus next to me." You watched as Daron quickly examined you before his expression lit up, "Oh shit, yeah! Serj, they're so cool.. they listen to Slayer along with a bunch of different bands!!" He exclaimed, causing your lips to curl up into a smile.

"Wait, really!? What other bands do you listen to?" Shavo asked, seeing that all four of the guys were suprisingly interested in what you were going to say - it was kind of refreshing in a way.

"Hm, well let's see..."


Before you knew it, time had passed by and it was time for everyone to head back inside for the rest of today's classes. You suprisingly had a great time talking to everyone, feeling a bit disappointed when you guys had to go your own way. You know it was a crazy thing to say but, you already felt yourself beginning to grow a bond with all four of them...

"Hey, Y/N?" You threw your tray into the trashcan before walking back over to the group, looking at Serj with a curious expression. "Hey, what's up?"

"We were all thinking about chilling at Shavo's place after school, you wanna join us? We usually just dick around and play video games, maybe even smoke a little bit... though you don't have to do that part if you don't want to." You laughed before nodding your head, immediately agreeing to tag-along with them since your mother wasn't going to be home until later that night.

Plus, you were being asked to hang out with a group of people who you found to be cool.. how could you say no to that? "Yeah, definitely! I'll join you guys."

"Sweet! We'll see you two later on then!" Shavo responded before all of you waved at one another before eventually parting ways, not wanting to be late for class. "Soo, I see that you got along well with everyone." Serj mentioned while chuckling, causing you to do the same while sheepishly grinning.

"Yeah, I guess so. I haven't really met people, let alone one person, who I share a lot in common with in a while. It's, refreshing to say the least." You looked at Serj and watched as his thin, pinkish lips parted as he grinned. "Good! Well my friends are officially your friends as well, don't forget that."

The two of you eventually stopped talking once you entered the classroom, ultimately sitting beside each other before sighing once the teacher had walked in shortly after and began to speak as you zoned out; three more classes left, you can do this...


( hiii, i just wanted to say thank you for over 60 reads on this.. genuinely didnt think that anyone would read this tbh LMAO so ty. also im too tired to proofread over this rn, its like 3am for me and im exhausted, so sorry for any errors or anything like that 😋 😋)

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