He finds you.

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     You hadn't been in the daycare in years. You were older now, much too old to be openly sobbing, while sitting in one of the play structures. You thought it would be the only secluded place away from work, which is what you were supposed to be doing. You worked as a security guard for the Mega Pizzaplex, mostly guarding the daycare. You recently became very stressed out and it was amplified by having to go into work.

     So, you decided that you could take a few minutes of respite in one of the play structures, while "searching for lost items". That's the excuse you were going to use if you were discovered by anyone. So, you sat sadly in the corner of a brightly colored square of the play structure, just letting it all out, not paying attention to anything. That is, until your attention was brought to a loud-spoken, eccentric Sun character. He was poking his head through the tunnel that lead to where you were.

     "Hello new friend!!" He greets loudly. You jump, looking up at him in surprise. He suddenly gave you a strange look, before a blue ray of light emerged from his eyes, scanning you up and down.
"No... No, not new. Not new at all, are you? You've been here before, many years ago! Why, what a long time you've been gone! Where have you..." He stops himself after noticing your uniform. "Oh! You work here now! Goodness me, how the time flies! Why, I remember when you were only as tall as my knees!"

     You give a small smile, the fond memories of you being at the daycare when you were younger flooding back. You and Sundrop used to play all day when your mom would come let you stay in the daycare while your siblings played in the Fazer-blast arena or the Monty Golf area. It was some of your earliest memories, and they stuck with you always. Sundrop always made you feel loved and appreciated. He hung up every single drawing you made for him, and he always recognized who you were as soon as you landed in the ball pit from the slide. There were never really any other kids around in the daycare, since your mom took you and your siblings to the Pizzaplex later in the day because of the time she was done with work. So, you were able to get a lot of one-on-one time with Sundrop.

     "How have you been these past years? I missed you so much! You were one of my favorite kids to play with!" He exclaims happily. You sniffle, smiling a little wider at his compliment.                                                                                                                                                                              

     "Well... Things have been... Alright, I guess..." You lied. He finally noticed your tear-stained face, and began to look concerned. Well, as concerned as an animatronic sun could look. 

     "Y-You've been crying, haven't you..? I'm sorry I didn't notice before, what's wrong?" He asks, his voice much softer than before. He fully crawls into the compartment of the play structure, sitting down across from you, his knees pulled up to his chest. You feel the torrential flood of tears erupt from your eyes again as you remembered exactly why you were crying in the first place. You try to hold it back, but you end up burying your face in your hands and letting out a lingering sob. You hear him move closer to you, placing a hand softly on your shoulder. He gives you a reassuring pat.

     "Don't worry, Sunshine... Take your time..." He says, rubbing your arm gently. You knew he was trying to help, but you couldn't help but continue crying from his kindness and support. You basically threw yourself into his arms, allowing him to cradle you. Despite you being much taller than you used to be, he was still able to hold you. He was quite tall, after all. You attempt to stop crying to tell him what was wrong.

     He loosens his grip on you as you attempt to sit up and look at him.

     "O-Okay, I'm good..." You whimper. You wipe your face, mustering up the words to speak. You begin to shakily tell him what has been bothering you. (You can make up whatever you want here, it can be real stuff that's stressing you out to make it more realistic.) All the while, he's gently stroking your hair. He nods his head gently in understanding as you talk, letting all of your emotions and stress go with your words. After spilling everything, you take a deep, shaky breath in and let it out.

     "I'm so sorry, Sunshine... That's not fair for something like that to be happening to someone as pretty as you..." He says, reassuringly. He rubs your back softly, still trying to be of some comfort to you. You smile at his compliment and laugh a bit, sniffling and wiping your face on your sleeve.

     "Well, the good thing is that I feel a whole lot better... I should really get back to work, haha." You say.

     "A-Ah, right! Your job..." He says, almost disappointed. You look up at him, your turn to be concerned.

     "Hey, what's up? You sound upset..." You say, reaching up to place your hand on his "cheek". To your surprise... He flinches a bit. You feel a stronger flash of worry wash over you as you piece together something you weren't previously aware of. When you used to visit him as a child, he would flinch occasionally when you would reach up to him, or when you tried to get his attention by calling out to him. You never knew why, but now that you were older, you feel that something deeper was going on with him.

     He notices your concern about him flinching and giggles nervously. "S-Sorry about that, haha." He says.

     "What was that?" You ask. He laughs again, obviously bothered by something. "Whoa, you're totally nervous right now... I need you to tell me why you flinched."

     He looks directly at you, and you notice his everlasting smile falter. You didn't think he could actually stop smiling.

    "I-It's nothing, really! I'm fine! I'm... I-I'm..." He trails off. He notices in your face how much you don't believe that he's "fine". He stutters and stumbles over his words, trying to find the words to say.

     "Does... Does somebody hurt you...?" You ask, hoping it wasn't as bad as you suspected. He gets quiet suddenly, almost certainly confirming your suspicions.

     "W-Well... Sometimes.. S-Sometimes the other staff are mean to me... And... Sometimes the parents who come to pick their kids up get mad at me and yell... and... Some of the children t-try to... Take me apart. For fun. I-I can't tell them no, can I?? I don't wanna hurt anyone..." He says, his voice wavering from his voice box. If you weren't all cried out, you might've started crying right there and then.

     "That's horrible, Sunny! You absolutely can tell them no!" You exclaim. He flinches again at your sudden change in volume. You notice this and a wave of guilt fans over you. "I-I'm sorry." You say, softer.

     "I-It's fine." He says.

     "But, really, you should report this stuff to somebody! Like, if the kids try to dismantle you one day, stop them and tell their parents at the end of the day..." You suggest. He shakes his head vigorously.

     "N-No! I-If I do that, the parents get mad at me and tell me that I should be doing a better job..." He exclaims.

      "Oh... That's not good... Then, have you tried asking the other animatronics to let somebody know about this?" You ask.

     "They never come by... I would've done that a long time ago, b-but they are always too busy with their performances and meet and greets that they don't come here anymore..." He explains.

     You, upset with the lack of support for Sun, stand up. "That's not fair to you at all. I'm going to let somebody know about this. We can get this fixed, okay? Neither the kids, staff, nor the parents will ever bother you again." You proclaim. He looks up at you, his smile returning to his silicone features again.

     "Y-You'd really do that for me??" He asks happily. You nod.

     "In fact, I'm gonna go do it right now!" You say.

Just then, the lights go out.

     "U-Uh oh..." Sun says, in a hushed, panicked tone.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader fluff kindaWhere stories live. Discover now