
374 17 15

ANGST WARNING! If you are sensitive to that type of stuff, please don't read this chapter. 

     Your alarm clock blares in your ear, as you pop up, startled by it. You wipe the drool off of your face, and groggily look at your clock. It reads 12 am... 12 am?!  You should've been at work an hour ago! By now, your shift would've just started! You pull yourself out of bed, gathering your things and booking it out the door of your apartment. You crank up your car, silently cursing at yourself for oversleeping. You go about 20 miles over the speed limit, and you figure it'd be alright since no one is really out at this time, right?

     That would've been the case, if a police car wasn't stationed out at around halfway from your destination. You hear the siren begin blaring, the lights nearly blinding you. You let out a slew of obscenities, before pulling over for the police car. You roll down the window for the cop, as he pulls over with you and steps out of his car. You feel tears begin to prick at your eyes, but you rapidly blink them back and swallow hard to try and remove the lump forming in your throat. The cop approaches your window, and begins the usual cop lecture.

      "Do you know why I pulled you over?" He asks in an authoritative tone.

      "No sir, why did you?" You say, trying to play the ignorant card to get out of this. He obviously didn't buy that for a second. 

     "You were speeding, going 75 in a 55. I'm gonna need to see your license and registration." He commands. You nod.

      "Yes sir, let me grab that for you." You say, before reaching for your license and registration. You fish it out, and hand it over to him. He takes it, and whilst examining it, begins to question you.

      "Where are you coming from and where are you heading?" He asks. 

      "I-I was coming from my apartment. I'm going to work, I-I'm an hour late." You say, tears threatening to prick at your eyes again. Your voice crackles, as you attempt to swallow your frustration. He nods, still examining your license and registration.

      "You been drinking tonight?" He asks. You feel anger bubble up, your altered mental and emotional state quickly deciding that that was a stupid question to ask. 

      "Of course not!" You exclaim, louder and angrier than you intended. He gives you a look that shows that he was definitely not in the mood to be challenged. 

     "Alright, I'm gonna have to issue you a ticket." He says. You feel your heart sink, feeling the tears you've been choking back almost begin to erupt as you physically feel your face turning white as a sheet. You barely had enough each month to pay for your rent, how were you going to pay a ticket...? He gets out his ticket writer and writes one up, handing it to you. You shakily take the ticket, putting it in the cupholder portion of your console. 

     "Follow the instructions on the ticket to pay for it." He says, as if almost anticipating a question along those lines to be asked.

     "Y-Yes sir." You say, your voice barely as loud as a mouse. 

     "Alright, good night." He says, bidding you farewell. 

     "Y-You too, sir." You say, as he walks away. You roll your window up, and watch him drive away in your rearview mirror. You start your car back up, and continue driving to work. You didn't want to cry,  so you tried to challenge yourself to continue choking back tears. You knew Sun would want you to be strong. 

     Speaking of, he must be so worried right now! I hope he's alright after today..., You think to yourself. You focus all your efforts onto getting into work without speeding, and you finally make it. You rush in, thankful that they haven't closed the doors for the night yet. You clock in, and the system alerts you that you were over an hour late, and your pay would be docked accordingly because of this, which made you more upset than you already were about the whole 'ticket' situation. You dismiss the alert, and make your way over to the daycare. You hear the familiar tune of the daycare theme, and your emotions began to stabilize at the "feel-good" sound of it. 

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