Time to Go.

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    (Filler chapter oof, sorry. Wanted something to bridge the gap between last chapter and the chapter coming. Stay tuned! More will be on the way soon.)

     After watching Moon change to Sun, his gaze finally settles on you. He sees your bandaged arm, and looks away, ashamed. 

     "I-I'm sorry... If I had remembered what time it was..." He begins. You approach him, and put your hand on his shoulder in reassurance. 

      "Its okay, Sunny. I promise. Now, what was Moon talking about?" You ask. Sun begins to try and say something, but he gets the same look on his face as Moon did when Sun was communicating with him before, like he's listening to someone speak. 

     He sighs and looks back at you, before saying, "Well, now he doesn't want me to tell you. He's embarrassed." You roll your eyes at this. Moon was just something else, wasn't he? 

      "That's fine, I guess. I'll ask him about it tomorrow." You say. Oh crud, tomorrow. It was almost morning, wasn't it? You check your patented "Faz-Watch", and see that it is almost time for your shift to end. You sigh, a bit upset you had to leave the company of your childhood friend. Sun didn't seem to quite pick up on what was wrong. 

     "What's wrong, friend??" He asks, innocently. 

      "Ugh, I have to leave soon, my shift is almost up." You say. He looks disappointed.

       "O-Oh..." He says, a bit upset. 

       "Hey, don't worry, I'll be back again tonight. Until then, I don't wanna hear that you let any of the kids or the adults pick on you or hurt you in any way. If they do, you tell me at the end of the day, and we'll do something about it." You say. He nods in understanding, his disposition switching to one of anxious anticipation. You notice this and try to figure out what's wrong.

       "I-I'm just... Scared. I-I don't wanna be alone today..." He explains. You feel a pang of sympathy go through you.

       "I see... Um, give me a sec, I'm gonna run out to my car and get something real quick." You say, thinking up a plan to reassure him for today. You go out to your car, the front doors only just opening up for the day. You scour the inside of your car, finally locating the thing you were looking for. A small plushie of a cat that you made once in your high school art class. You've kept it in your car for a while, never really bothering to take it out. It's a bit dirty and kind of rough around the edges, but it's been a comfort to you before. You run back inside and back to the daycare, before Vanessa notices that you're still there. Sundrop was eagerly awaiting your return, standing at the exit of the slide. He backs away when you slide down, and allows you to come through. 

     "You're back! What did you go get?" He asks, curiously eyeing the thing that you're holding in your hand. You smile brightly at him, and give him the plushie. He takes it, beaming and examining it.

     "This is a plushie I made when I was in high school. I thought you might want to have it. Y'know, to have with you today while I'm gone to have a piece of me here with you..." You explain, feeling a bit embarrassed by the rather cliché notions of what you just told him. He, on the other hand, looks tremendously happy. He holds it close to his chest.

     "Thank you so much, (Y/N)!! I love, love, LOVE it!!" He exclaims happily.

     "Aw, I'm glad you like it. He's kinda dirty, but-"

     Sun cuts you off with a sudden hug. You didn't quite expect it, but once you regain your composure, you happily hug back. You and him both found it hard to let go, but you knew it was time to go, because you heard the distant chattering of people. You pull away from him, and decide to gently use your hands to pull his face down to your level, and you plant a small kiss on his forehead. He giggles goofily, and you bid him goodbye. 

     He waves goodbye to you as you walk out, and you go to clock out, the overwhelming sense of fatigue washing over you. You just barely made it home to your apartment, and once you got there, you didn't even have a chance to change out of your work clothes before you flopped over onto your bed and began snoring.


Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader fluff kindaWhere stories live. Discover now