A/N (More of a question, actually..)

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I have a big question for my readers. Being that this is an "x Reader" fanfiction, I would appreciate my readers' thoughts on making (Y/N) and Sun/Moon a romantic couple. Being that I'm incredibly unconfident in writing smut (and also wildly uncomfortable with writing smut of two of my comfort characters), I don't imagine I'll make the relationship go any further than dating. Any feedback is appreciated! Also, progress on the next chapter should be resumed soon, if all goes as planned. I apologize for the absence, I've been super busy as of late! Have a lovely day/night!

Clarification: To me, romantic couples don't necessarily have to engage in sexual acts for them to be considered romantic. That's why I'm asking if the readers would like or dislike Sun/Moon being their *romantic* partner. I never planned on this fic turning out to be a smut fic, as I labelled it as fluff at first, so I was just curious if my readers wanted cutesy romantic stuff (like small kisses and stuff) so I can maybe lean back into the fluff part of the fic. Also, this idea is for a big part of the story, I want to know the readers ideas on it. And, I'm sorry if I confused anyone with how I write things, I'm very awkward when I'm not writing fiction 😅

Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader fluff kindaWhere stories live. Discover now