Doing something about it.

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       You awaken to the familiar jingle of Sun's bells, and crack open your eyes to see him diligently working to clean the daycare up. You decide to sit silently and watch him work, appreciating how bouncy and jovial his swift movements are as he maneuvers around the daycare. He looks over at you every once in a while, not registering it at first that you were awake. He smiles contentedly every passing glance he gives you, before continuing to work.

     Eventually, you jolt back to reality as you hear your phone ringtone go off. Both you and Sun were startled, and he looks at you as you pull your phone out and groggily answer it.

      "Mm... Hello..?" You say, disoriented from the sudden scare. On the other end, is Isaac. 

      "Hey. I, uh, have some bad news... " He says, sounding mildly upset.

      You sit up, your pulse quickening. 

      "W-What is it? Did something happen?" You ask, worriedly. Sun walks over, curiously. 

       "Well, its more of a lack of something happening." He says. 

        "What do you mean..?" You ask, confusedly. 

        "The meeting was a bust... They completely shot down the idea of doing anything to remedy the situation with the daycare attendant. They said it would be a 'waste of valuable resources and money'. Also, they now have reason to believe that Sun and Moon have developed too many issues and are looking into the possibility of decommissioning them." He explains. 

Decommission...? That doesn't sound good at all...

       "S-So, what do we do now??" You ask.

        "I-I don't know, I was hoping you had an idea for what to do..." He confesses. You sigh, frustration bubbling up to the surface. You give a worried glance to Sun, and he returns it, still unsure of what is being said. 

       "Listen, I'll... I'll see what I can do. Maybe I can request to change positions and be Sun and Moon's caretaker... Though, I doubt my manager will really allow it." You explain. Sun's expression lightens up a bit at the mention of that idea. 

       "Oh, that sounds wonderful!! " He exclaims. You shush him, smiling a bit at his enthusiasm. 

        "Wait... Are you still at the daycare?? I thought you went home after last night?" Isaac asks, almost incredulously. 

         "Yeahhh, Moon offered to let me sleep here for the night. Don't worry, it'll be fine. W-Well, as long as you don't tell on me, hehe." You say, a bit nervously at the end, hoping he won't tell anyone that you stayed after hours.  

      "My lips are sealed, but... Seriously, what's going on between you and them? Are you, like..." He stops himself before he can finish. "...N-Nevermind, I'll talk to you later."

      "Whoa, whoa, wait, Isaa-" You try to stop him from hanging up, but you hear a daunting 'click' from the other line and sigh. You hang up, lying down again. 

      "S-So, what was that about??" Sun asks, impatiently. You heave another sigh.

      "Well, the meeting Isaac was in this morning was completely useless. Nobody wants to do anything about your situation here..." You explain, watching painfully as his bright expression dulls. "But, I'm gonna try to see what I can do! I still wanna see if I can transfer positions and be your official handler." 

     He smiles widely, obviously elated at the idea. "Ooh!! I'm so excited!! To think that you could be here with us all the time!!" You giggle at his excitement.

     "Of course! If it helps out, I'm willing to do it! But, I'm not sure what requirements I'd have to have... I need to check with my boss. Speaking of, I should probably get out of here before she comes and finds me here after my shift is over, hehe." 

       "D'aww... Can't'cha stay a little while longer..?" Sun says, disappointedly. You shake your head, a small smile spreading across your features. 

      " 'fraid not, dear. Don't worry, I'll be back tonight, okay?" You say. He nods sadly. You motion for him to come down to your level, and he complies, curiously. You give him a small peck on his cheek, causing him to freeze up. He stutters and mumbles, flustered. You chuckle to yourself, giving him a small pat on his head before making your way to the exit of the daycare. Before you can leave, Sun calls out.


     You turn around, seeing him approaching. Upon reaching you, he idles nervously before leaning down like before. He leans in, planting a small "kiss" on your cheek in return for the one you gave him. You were surprised but, nevertheless, happy. You give him a hug, and he is eager to return it. Finally, after a while, you bid him goodbye, and he watches sadly as you walk out of the daycare. 

     You had a mission, however. You got in the elevator and knew exactly where you needed to go. You pressed the button for the top floor, where management was. You were about to have a little chat with the higher-ups...


I wanted to go ahead and get this part out so that I'd have a place to work from and simultaneously give you guys some content as well. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm just not into this fandom as much anymore, I've been hyperfixating on DHMIS for a while now and it literally consumes my every waking thought. Also, unfortunately, I only really post on AO3 now, but I'll try really hard to get this fic finished. I really miss the story that I was building here, and I feel super bad about leaving you guys without content for so long. Please bear with me as I try to muster up motivation to finish this lol. Have a good day/night!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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