For now.

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(Moon makes an appearance. Both Sun and Moon get kind of jealous when they see you talking to the maintenance guy. Maybe a little angstier than I wanted, but there's fluff to make up for it!) 

     When Sun approaches you, it appears as though the maintenance guy did a perfect job fixing him, as there is no evidence that he was originally torn to pieces. This must happen a lot more than you thought, if the maintenance guy had all the missing parts just lying around. Nevertheless, when Sun reaches you, he stops short and stands in front of you awkwardly. He rubs his arm nervously and begins to try and say something, but you stop him, wrapping your arms around him.

     He tenses up at the sudden embrace, but is then quick to reciprocate. You feel tears welling up in your eyes as you let out a sigh of relief.

     "I'm so glad you're okay, Sunny..." You say, finally. He hugs you a bit tighter, but you are almost afraid to do the same, lest you hurt him in some way. He never seemed so fragile to you before, but now all you wanted to do was protect him from everything. You finally let go, when it was obvious that he had something to say. He steps back a bit, and resumes his somewhat ashamed expression.

     "I-I... I never wanted you to see me like that." He says, guiltily. You place a hand on his shoulder in reassurance. 

     "If I hadn't found you like that, I never would've known that you were hurt... I couldn't have helped you..." You say. He shakes his head.

     "I-I could've gone to Parts and Services by myself... I was trying to fix myself when you came in. That's why you probably heard those electrical sparks..." He explains. You shake your head.

     "If this ever happens again, which I'm gonna see to it that it doesn't, but you should immediately tell somebody. Especially me, if I'm there." You say, giving him a stern look. He looks away, avoiding eye contact. "Do you understand me?" You say, almost like a worried mother. His gaze snaps back to yours, and he nods. You smile softly. 

     "Wanna go back to the daycare now?" You ask, taking his hand in yours. He looks apprehensive for a moment. "What's wrong?" You ask.

     "I-I... Well... I don't... J-Just in case the lights..." He begins to try and explain his hesitation, but can't quite articulate what he wants to say. You understand, though. He's worried about Moon.

     "Can you hear Moon now?" You ask, gently. He nods slowly.

     "Y-Yeah, he's okay for the most part. He's still kinda quiet, but he spoke to me when I was finally fixed." He explains.

     "What did he say?" You ask. 

     "He told me to bring you in here, which I had no problem with, hehe. I-I think he was worried about you. I was too, to be honest..." He says. You nod.

     "Let's go then. If the lights go out, he can talk to me. Do you think he'd like that?" You ask, more so directing the question at Moon. Sun looks as if he is racking his brain for something which, technically, he is. After a while, his face lights up happily.

     "He says that he 'doesn't care'. But, that means 'yes' for him, hehehe." Sun says. You nod, smiling. You and him both turn around to leave, seeing the maintenance guy standing at the doorway. You walk up to him, Sun following close behind, like a small child.

     "Hey, thank you so much for fixing Sun up. I want to try and stop this from happening ever again... How do you think I ought to go about doing that? Do you happen to know anyone I could talk to about this?" You ask. He thinks for a moment, and in this moment, you get a chance to examine his features. He couldn't have been much older than you, but he had visible bags under his eyes. He was of a lean build, and sort of tall and lanky. But, he wasn't completely without muscle to him. After all, he did work a job where he sometimes had to lift up heavy objects, such as animatronic parts. 

Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader fluff kindaWhere stories live. Discover now