Moonlit Night.

546 21 20

Sun starts freaking out, trying to get away from you. You didn't know what was happening, so you tried to calm him down the best you could.

"Sun, Sun! What's wrong??" You ask, trying to get a hold of him. As soon as you touch him, however, he wrenches his frame away from you.

"No, no, NO!! Don't touch me, don't touch me!" He pleads desperately, still clambering to get out of the play structure. You keep trying to pull him back and he looks at you with an expression you've never seen before on him. You notice his appearance beginning to shift. He changes to a different, darker color scheme, and his sun rays begin to retract into his head.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." He says, in a guttural roar. His eyes now brandish a crimson red color. You let him go out of fear, and he scampers away. Your wits return to you, and you start to chase after him, but he's already stopped dead in his tracks when you reach him. He looks... different.

You stop behind him, and attempt to call his name.

"S-Sun? What's wrong? W-What happened?" You ask, softly placing a hand on his back. This time, he doesn't flinch. He whips his head all the way around to face you, much like an owl would do. You gasp out of fright, and start to remove your hand.

He turns his entire body to face you in one quick swivel, and grips onto your wrist. Even his hands are different... He's got claws instead. He digs them into your arm, and you reflexively jerk away, only causing more damage. You exclaim, and try to run away, but he's fast and catches you before you can even move an inch.

You squirm, but to no avail. He emits a breathless laugh, his high-pitched gravelly voice almost piercing through you. He holds you tightly to him, keeping you in place.

"Interesting... I've got you held hostage and you've barely fought back...?" He asks.

"I-I don't wanna hurt you...!" You exclaim, your voice quaking, as well as your body. This was true, you didn't want to injure your childhood friend. Even if he was different. He seemed to understand your thought process, and chuckles a bit at your misunderstanding of how the daycare attendant was supposed to work.

"Ah... Maybe you're confused? I'm not Sun anymore. Sun never let me come out when you were little... So this is our first actual meeting." He begins, digging his claws into your arm again, "I'm Moon. So nice to finally meet you..." He lets out a mischievous chuckle.

It was true, you had never met Moon. You were only vaguely aware of his existence when you were younger. You were happy to ignore his counterpart, as Sun gave you all the attention you needed. After all, you were only a small child when you came to the daycare, you didn't need much. And, Sun didn't really like talking about his other personality often. It made him uncomfortable, and he would quickly change the subject. You later learned why Moon was so hated, due to his consistent anger induced outbursts and injuring of children.

So, here behind you, holding you tightly and gripping onto your arm, stood Moon. You thought maybe some of Sun was still in him, right? If that were the case and the lights switched back on, you didn't want to hurt him, just in case... Maybe Moon would care for you in some way like Sun does, right?

"P-Please, let me go..." You plead, as Moon presses his claws in further on your skin, creating wounds. You scream, and out of shock he lets you go. The sudden increase in volume of your voice seemed to disorient him for a bit. You debate running away, but you know it wouldn't work. Moon is far too fast. Maybe you could try reasoning with him?

Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader fluff kindaWhere stories live. Discover now