elf au

683 31 13

idk what this is
elf au
marcy is an elf and you are a human
basically in earth, there is 2 species
elf and hooman
they were in war but now peace but still separated

You yawned for the 5th time today, at school you were learning about elf history and the great war between elf and mankind.

This was boring, you loved this topic but after hearing the same, 'Elves are horrible!' or 'See an elf? Kill on sight' everyday was tiring. Seriously, this was wack.

You had a dream though, to meet an elf and maybe befriend it because having a cool elf friend seems nice.

And maybe today was the day that happened.

-woo timeskip yay-

Skipping, you travelled in the forest, you liked bugs and the scent of the great outdoors! Ah, how relaxing and therapeutic this was, the tall, towering trees looming over you, the chirps and songs of cheery birds nearby. This was the life. :)

Surprising you, the rustling of a bush was heard behind. You stood on guard, getting a good stance. You held a nearby stick, pointing it to the source of the noise.

A pointy ear emerged from the green shrubbery, you recognising it was an elf. It was shivering a tiny bit, the fragile elf looked up at you with fear, backing away.

You gasped, was this an elf? Where'd it come from? The sapient creature had shiny black hair, with olive skin. Moving closer, you softly said, "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." Eyes widening, the elf sensed genuine truth from you, so, the elf stopped and got closer too. (we ain't kissing here bois) Staring, you gently raised your hand and pat her head. Why? bEcAuSe YoU cAn! She nuzzled her head closer, this was too cute!

"H-hello?" it croaked quietly, it's voice hoarse. You remembered you had a water bottle in your pocket, so you reached to get it. The plastic crackled and crinkled, scaring the elf in the process. It jumped slightly, but didn't back up. So, you twisted the cap and made her drink the water.

gonna be multiple parts or maybe made into full story 😏

(2024 may: whyd i use that emoji BYE WHAT)

marcy wu x fem!reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now