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purely fluff <3

"You, I love you," you kissed Marcy's forehead while she sat in your lap. She turned red, both of you have never said 'I love you' to each other.

She mumbled, "Love you too..." You melted with that phrase, and with her saying it you burned bright.

"Why are you so adorable?" You asked your girlfriend, smirking. "I don't know, why are you?" Marcy replied, kissing your nose. You giggled, Marcy smiling while she peppered kisses all over you face. "Hey!" you giggled again.

You suddenly fell back and now Marcy was on you, her hands on your wrists. (like in a push-up position heh) She scrambled off you, exclaiming sorries.

done don't feel like finishing yolo

marcy wu x fem!reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now