Meet Ikaris

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Ikaris's personality and how he interacts with his family:

Ikaris is known as the golden child. He's annoyingly perfect and does everything that he's supposed to do (his only vice is that he eats too many Twinkies)-- he will cause a riot if they go missing or if someone eats the last one. Ajak always says that she doesn't have a favorite child and loves them all equally, but they all know she favors Ikaris. Being the favorite is not easy though, she's very hard on him and has high expectations for him. Even if it's tough, he's very proud of that, he sometimes brags about it or uses it as a way to get away with things with his fellow eternals. He often gets carried away with his role that Ajak needs to remind him that he's still second in line. His younger siblings are often annoyed with him and says he has a stick up his butt. Even if he's a bit cocky at times, he does feel a lot of pressure and feels like he's carrying a lot of weight. He's always making sure that he's living up to the expectations of Ajak and Arishem. He's very hard on himself and knows there's heavy weight on his shoulders. When not fighting deviants, he's often dragged along to parties. He will make an extra effort to go especially when Ajak or Sersi tells him to. He's not one to be social and interact with humans, sitting at the bar drinking while watching everyone is more of his forte. Though he does know how to have fun when surrounded by the right people (that's usually Sersi, Kingo, and Gilgamesh).

Him and Thena being the eldest lookout for one another in their own ways. Nobody really notices Ikaris's stress except for Thena. While he is the strongest Eternal and very loyal to their mission, sometimes he puts on a mask and tries to look extra strong. Thena is the only one who sees past that. Ikaris has a hard time being vulnerable and talking about his burden of being Ajak's successor (he knows he can't talk to Sersi about it). So Thena talks to him, she tells him that he can't use that eldest Eternal b.s on her cause they're the same age. He eventually does open up to her.  Though she cares for him, she is still Thena. Being the competitive warrior that she is, she secretly imagines what it would be like to fight her brother. She loves a good challenge. Thena also makes sure to tell him to treat Sersi right, she's very protective over Sersi. 

Gilgamesh being the physically strongest Eternal, him and Ikaris enjoy talking fight strategies and plans. After every deviant attack, the two like to discuss what happened and how they can improve next time. They try to pinpoint the deviants' every move. Thena sometimes also joins their talks.

Sersi of course is his long time girlfriend. They've been together for so long that the others have a hard time remembering a time when they weren't. They don't really show PDA that much cause of how long they've been together. They secretly sneak off every once and awhile for their date nights. Sersi makes sure that he gets lots of rest and that he spends time doing other hobbies other than just looking out for deviants. Ikaris is honestly not the best when it comes to social skills, so she makes sure to bring him along to parties and interact with villagers. Being the golden Eternal that he is, she finds it funny seeing him out of his element doing human activities. She laughs at him at how he can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes, but has problems with basic skills like planting crops and making bread. She is not the biggest fan of his Twinkie addiction cause of how unhealthy they are, so she secretly hides them. When he finds that they are missing, he gets mad. She always makes sure to say that she's the one behind it before he starts blaming the other Eternals (he can never get mad at her).

Phastos and Ikaris just do not get along, Phastos is very vocal about how annoying he finds him. He usually gives him nicknames. Ikaris can't really recall a time where he just called him Ikaris.

Makkari honestly just doesn't mind her eldest brother. She lets him do his thing. However, whenever Ikaris, Phastos, and Druig's petty arguments become too much, she tries to be the peacemaker.

Kingo usually calls him boss. Looks up to Ikaris and sees him as a role model. He admires Ikaris's hard work and dedication. To him, Ikaris's word is more important than Ajak's. The two actually get along quite well. Ikaris goes to Kingo if he needs a breath of fresh air and someone to talk to that's not about fighting deviants. If he has a problem with Sersi, he usually asks Kingo's advice on how to fix things. He's also the number one supporter of his and Sersi's relationship. Sometimes he even calls the two mom and dad and loves sitting in between them.

Ikaris and Druig are the polar opposites. Unlike Phastos, Druig isn't very vocal about his annoyance for his eldest brother. The two frequently butt heads and a lot of the time they don't even need words. Druig sometimes gives some sarcasm and one liners that Ikaris doesn't appreciate, it really boils his blood and Druig loves it. Basically the two are like children arguing over useless topics. They just love pushing each other's buttons and either Sersi or Makkari has to step in.

Sprite absolutely loves her big brother. She knows he will always be there to protect her and he never picks on her unlike their other siblings, which she appreciates. She loves having his attention and gets mad if he doesn't listen to her stories and watch her illusions at parties.

(Sprite does not have a crush on Ikaris in this story cause that's weird)

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