Meet Sersi

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Sersi is the kindest Eternal. Sometimes she's too kind and it backfires on her. She will help everyone with everything and can never say no. She has a hard time balancing her time helping humans and her duty as an Eternal. She's an empath and she absorbs everyone's problems so she has a lot on her mind, which is why she's usually late. She loves bonding with humans and is fascinated by earth. Sersi is always happy and radiates positivity, though she has her moments when everyone's problems start to take a toll on her. Ajak sometimes gets mad at her cause she's spending too much time with people, but at the end of the day she knows that she can't actually get mad. She loves seeing Sersi happy and the joy she brings the villagers. 

Ikaris, the boy who's her rock and is always there for her. She constantly feels so at home and comfortable whenever and wherever she is with him. He wasn't lying when he said "Sersi, I'm your if you'll have me" he will do anything she says and is under her command. Ikaris is always such a gentleman and cares for Sersi. Sometimes he watches out for her too much to the point that Thena and Gil remind him that she can do things herself. After spending countless years together, Ikaris always makes sure to put in a lot of effort to make their date nights fun. He likes flying her to parts of the village that she's never been to. Sersi is actually afraid of heights and hates whenever Ikaris flies with her. But after she sees the gorgeous view of where he brought her, shes forgives him. 

Thena loves challenging Sersi asking her to use her powers to do things she wouldn't normally do. Like turn a branch into vibranium or a rock into air. Sersi always says it's impossible and can't do it at first. But she accepts the challenge and gets it done eventually. She's always so happy and runs to Thena wherever she is on the ship celebrating and showing what she made. Sometimes Thena questions Sersi about her relationship with Ikaris. Asking what she sees in him or if she truly loves him. Sersi gets mad at those questions, and Thena usually replies that she's just looking out for her. 

When not fighting or cooking, Gilgamesh is curious to see how the humans work. Sometimes he will follow Sersi around and try to learn what the humans do. 

Whenever Phastos needs one of his sibling's opinions for one of his new ideas, he loves asking Sersi. She is usually the one going around and knows what the humans mean. He also loves asking Sersi cause of how nice she is and he is happy to finally hear someone appreciate his work. 

Being such a curious individual, she loves seeing everything Makkari finds (or steals). But she promises that she won't tell Ajak. She's genuinely interested in everything Makkari finds and loves conversing with her about artifacts.

Kingo loves teasing her cause of how nice she is. Whether it's about her relationship with Ikaris, her outfits, or how she's so attached to humans. But of course in a light hearted and fun brotherly way. He's always curious to see her reaction, sometimes he actually wants her to snap at him. He wants to see a side of Sersi that's not the kind hearted girl that she is. 

Druig although not a fan of her boyfriend, he always makes sure she's okay. He cares for his older sister, and hates to see her upset or heartbroken. Whenever her and Ikaris have any problems and aren't speaking, he surprisingly tries to be the peacemaker. He asks what the problem is and gives his observation (he's a big people watcher). Then, he'll suck up his pride and talk to Ikaris to try to get the both of them on happy terms again.

Seeing how everyone picks on Sprite, she loves treating Sprite like an equal. Sprite will never say it, but she loves Sersi the most. She appreciates the relationship that the two have. Sersi is truly her big sister who is always there for her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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