Meet Thena

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Thena is the eldest girl. She is the fiercest among all of them, fighting deviants is her life and she loves it. She usually keeps to herself, loves sightseeing and drawing. During her free time she is either training or on the hunt for deviants. Among all the fighters, she's the one who takes the least breaks. Besides Phastos, she's the one who goes to the least parties. Or sometimes she will join only to tell the others "I told you I'd show up" just for her to leave again. She usually does what she wants when she wants. Her fellow Eternals know to stay out of her way and to not mess with her. She's also very competitive and is always looking for a challenge. 

Ajak is always worried for her well-being. She thinks she fights too much and makes sure to frequently check in on her how she's doing physically and mentally. If she's too busy to check in on her she will send another one her children to do it (usually Sersi or Makkari). 

Ikaris sees Thena as an equal, he never sees her as a girl who can't do certain things. He'll never admit it, but sometimes he thinks Thena is stronger than him and he can be quite intimidated. Whenever Sersi brings him to a party, he always makes sure that Thena is there too. As much as he loves fighting along side her, he also wants to make sure that she has a life outside of being a warrior. He'll usually invite her to the bar to have a drink with her. Somedays she accepts, somedays she doesn't want. But he always respects her decision and doesn't push her. 

Gilgamesh is her best friend. He loves taking care of people, but he takes extra care for Thena. He loves Thena a lot and is always there to protect her whether it's from a deviant or anything she's going through mentally. He will join her during their free time and asks what she wants to do. It is always sparring and training which he does gladly. He will also join her when she's sitting alone and ask her what's going though her head. She can be open with him. 

Sersi is her best girl-friend. She always tries to give Thena a makeover and loves making her try-on different outfits and accessories. Whenever she has problems with Ikaris she talks to Thena and asks for advice. 

Phastos always tries to make some new technology for Thena to use in her fights. He's always presenting her with new ideas. Each idea no matter how good or useful, she dismisses cause she says that a good warrior doesn't need any technology to fight. 

Being the other female fighter, Makkari looks up to Thena. She gives her her personal space but also loves recommending books to her. At first Thena says she has no time to read, however she eventually does get curious and ends up reading it and enjoying it. She loves reading by herself leaning on a tree. 

Kingo always tries to make Thena laugh. He finds it challenging with how much she keeps to herself, but when she does laugh, he feels like he's truly the strongest Eternal. 

Druig also keeps to himself so the two don't often talk. He knows that she's a deep thinker, and as a deep thinker himself he empathizes with her. He likes talking to her once and awhile to have a meaningful conversation. 

When Thena is deep in thought, Gilgamesh likes inviting Sprite over to tell her a story. Thena does get entertained and likes listening to them. 

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