Meet Gilgamesh

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Even if he likes to joke around a lot, Gilgamesh loves taking care of his fellow Eternals. He's a big family man. He makes sure everyone is okay, and loves throwing family gatherings and cooking for everyone. He's also very good at giving advice. Ajak is very grateful to him how he is able to gather everyone together with his home cooked meals. Ajak can't force all of her children to get together, but she can always rely on Gilgamesh's fantastic cooking to do that.  

Him and Ikaris are the 2 strongest Eternals and they know it. They like to joke around with one another about who's the strongest. Sometimes their playful arguments can get a little too serious and Thena is in the back listening and rolling her eyes. So she suggest that they fight one another. The two just laugh it off in their brotherly nature. 

Thena is always his number one priority in life. Honestly the two weren't always that close. He used to be a lot closer to Kingo. But a few centuries after arriving on earth. One deviant got a little too close to Thena and it wounded her. He blamed himself cause he was the one nearest her. Ever since then he vowed to take care of her and be by her side no matter what. Thena has a hard time being vulnerable, but it's easy when she's with Gilgamesh.

Sersi is the kindest Eternal, and sometimes that backfires on her. She gets stressed every once and a while. Gilgamesh will notice something isn't right with her so he'll sit her down and give her some advice. His advice always makes her feel better 

Phastos loves learning new things. Every once and awhile when he's out of his lab, he'll watch Gilgamesh cook. He enjoys helping Gil cook and being his sous-chef. 

Makkari has a blast helping him find new ingredients. She especially loves the hunt to find new spices. Sometimes she even surprises him and gives him some ingredients that he never even knew about. 

Kingo usually goes to Gilgamesh when he needs someone to laugh at his jokes or someone to joke around with. The two love having joke competitions. They love taking their jokes to Druig cause he gets annoyed easily and leaves. They find it hilarious. 

Druig is always there to eat every single thing he makes. He usually hangs out where Gilgamesh is cooking to be the taste tester or eat the scraps. When Gilgamesh's back is turned sometimes Druig steals the food and runs away to bring it to Makkari. 

Gilgamesh is always the big brother who loves making fun of Sprite being young. He likes making baby food for her as a joke. In return she will cast an illusion that'll turn his food into frogs.  

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