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(A/N: ooc, not that well-written tbh, gave up half way through )
"Miles?" Phoenix grumbled, his vision blurry. It was uncomfortable, he felt like he was laying on something cold, almost like porcelain floors on winter.
Edgeworth was shook awake from the other man's voice calling, being met by a light from the top; in surprise, he closed his eyes back shut, and let out a low moan, uncomfortable. He blocked out his eyes with his right arm.

"Phoenix, where are we.." The gray-haired man inquired, his head throbbed.
"I was um.. I was about to ask you the same thing, hun.." Phoenix admits, he's not very sure where they are either.
By now, he'd probably know, but for some reason, he felt like he was having a hangover.

A hangover.

Memories of last night came flooding back to him, 'Did nobody check the bathrooms before closing!?'
He got up, but not without a struggle.
He was still bed— or.. floor-ridden, afterall. "M-Miles, Miles, i think we're in a McDonald's restroom.."

"My dear, I know you're trying to be- nnh.. i know you're just joking around right now, but really where are we?"

Clearly, he was still quite out of it. Edgeworth seemed like the type to be aware of his surroundings, even when drunk or hungover,
but it was actually quite the opposite; he never seemed to care after a few shots, and was very forgetful when he woke up from a crazy night.

"Hun, i'm not kidding.." Phoenix told his fiancé, clearly concerned; due to the worry in his voice, Edgeworth finally decided to hear him out.
"You're not kidding?" He scoffed, a small smile on his face.

"Miles, open your eyes, will ya?.." And with that, the arm Edgeworth was using to block out his vision was taken away by Phoenix's hand.
He slowly opened his eyes once again, but instead of the lights, he saw his fiancé's face.

"Hun, look around.." And he did, he did look around, head still throbbing. 'What?'
He wasn't expecting to.. actually be in a McDonald's restroom, who would?

His back hurt from the hard tiles on the bathroom floor, but he managed to stand up by himself;
of course, not without trouble, as his legs weren't exactly in tip-top shape. His senses finally came back to him,

He jumped, luckily, the floor was not wet, but it didn't change the reeking smell of alcohol that was destroying his nose.
Phoenix could only scratch his head, "I.. guess they don't have very good night shift workers?"
He whispered, 'Last night's employee is so gonna get fired'

A very confused Phoenix, and an equally as confused Edgeworth could only stand there.
Phoenix knew what was going on on some degree, but Edgeworth never could recall events from before they got drunk.
"I.. Okay, I can explain-" Before Phoenix could finish, Edgeworth covered Phoenix's alcohol-reeking mouth.


"Err.. Yes, hun?" Edgeworth sounded upset, and well.. That didn't usually end very well. Edgeworth breathed deep,
"I want you to be honest with me." He said, "Do you know why Sal Manella is here with us, in this restroom. At a McDonald's"

Phoenix opened his mouth, but thought for a second. He did infact, not know.
He THOUGHT that he understood everything, but he most definitely does not remember why Sal is here with them.

A disappoined sigh came out of Edgeworth's mouth, both out of shame for himself,
and for his fiancé. "Just explain what happened, dear." With an exasperated groan.

Before Phoenix would go on to explain what happened, he mumbled a salty
I was about to get to that..'


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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