Untitled Part 1

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Marian lay next to her husband who continued to sleep peacefully. Marian had slept fitfully, she knew that Guy and Robin were about to start the first part of their plan to remove Vasey as Sheriff of Nottingham. So far Robin had kept the promise he had made to her on the day, five months ago that she told him that she truly loved Guy. Marian knew she had broken his heart that day, but he was not the man for her and he had accepted that. He had promised to make sure that his men did not injure Guy whilst stealing from Vasey. It had taken a while for Marian to persuade Robin that Guy was a changed man underneath the mask he wore to keep Vasey happy and that he wanted Robin's help in removing the evil little man as the Sheriff. Guy had come to understand that showing respect for people meant that they showed respect in return and Marian had exposed the error of Vasey's ways to him which he had been following and even implementing at times. Marian did not know what Guy and Robin planned but she had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach and she was worried about what would happen to her husband, the man she truly loved.

Guy grunted in his sleep before turning to face Marian bringing his left arm over her, she wriggled closer snuggling into the warmth of his body. A silent tear slid down Marian's cheek as her thoughts remained focussed on the outcome she had been picturing in her head overnight. She could see both Guy and Robin hanging outside the castle with Vasey laughing as he sat watching on his throne. More tears rolled down Marian's cheek and she fought to hold back her sobs. She was so ensconced in her thoughts that she did not realise that Guy was awake until he lifted her chin to look into her eyes.
"Marian, what is wrong, why do you weep?" he asked.

Marian bit back the sob in her throat and looked into Guy's eyes. "I don't know, and have no wish to know, what you plan to do to the Sheriff but I am worried about what will happen to you if Vaisey realises what you are doing, he'll have you thrown in the dungeon or even worse than that he'll,......... he'll" the sob she had been holding back broke free.

Guy held her close stroking her hair until the sobbing stopped and then gently kissed Marian, tasting salt on her lips.
"Marian, please do not worry, Robin and I have worked through the plan several times, Vaisey will not realise what I am doing until it is too late." He kissed her again
"I know you do not wish to know what we are doing but today I will collect the taxes as Vaisey has requested and they will be returned to the castle by his guards."

"But Guy what will happen to the villagers who cannot pay their taxes, please I'm begging you, do not hurt them or imprison them." Marian stared into Guy's eyes as she spoke her words.

"Don't worry Marian, nothing will happen. I can promise you that."

Marian laid her head on Guy's chest not wishing to look into his eyes in case she saw deceit. It had taken Marian's patience and love to show Guy the error of Vaisey's ways but she still had a small doubt at the back of her brain that suggested that Guy could return to his evil ways. Over the years she had witnessed the actions he was capable of when it came to fulfilling the Sheriff's tasks such as collecting taxes, especially if the villagers didn't pay. Guy had been brutal in the past but Marian hoped that he really had changed his ways.

Guy placed a gentle kiss on Marian's forehead before getting out of bed, he longed to spend the day making love to her but he was meeting Robin prior to heading to Nottingham Castle to see the Sheriff and collect his orders for the day.

"Shall I ask Molly to prepare you a bath?" Guy queried.
"That would be lovely, thank you" Marian answered.

Guy strode back to the bed as he buckled his jacket. He smiled at Marian, "I know what you are thinking and I can hear it in your voice too, I wish I could stay here with you in bed but I have to go to Nottingham to see the Sheriff. I will be home this evening." Marian sat herself up and took hold of Guy's hand.
"Please be careful Guy and remember I love you."

Guy lifted the hand Marian held and kissed her knuckles one by one. "And I love you" he responded before placing her hand on the bedcovers.
He walked to the chamber door, he looked back at Marian before opening the door and smiled and then he was gone. Marian heard his spurs chinking as he ran down the stairs and Thornton's greeting as he descended. She also heard Guy ask Molly to prepare her bath and the reply of "Yes Master" before hearing footsteps on the stairs as Molly ascended. Marian prepared herself for the knock on the door, she would need to keep herself busy today to stop herself from thinking about Guy.

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