Untitled Part 11

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Guy paced around the garden of Locksley Manor, he could hear Marian's anguished cries as she endured her labour. He had been called from a council meeting he was attending as Sheriff of Nottingham, at the castle, by Thornton earlier today. It had been the first time he had left Marian in over two weeks.
Sir Jasper had asked Guy to be the new Sheriff of Nottingham after he had recovered from the chest wound he had sustained. Guy had initially said No he didn't want the responsibility but William of Leicester and Sir Jasper had swiftly persuaded him he was the man for the job and with Marian's blessing Guy had taken on the role and was actually enjoying working with the people of Nottingham to turn around Vaisey's regime. Only this morning Guy had learnt that Vaisey was still imprisoned in London, having been found guilty of numerous crimes. However he would not hang until King Richard returned himself.

On returning home Guy had been in their chamber with Marian, soothing her and walking with her until he had been banished by the midwife who felt he should leave now and let mother do her job in getting this baby out. He was just considering running back up to their chamber and demanding the midwife do something when Marian let out an almighty scream which was immediately followed by the sound of a baby crying. Guy stopped in his tracks and was quickly surrounded by Thornton and other staff members who came out of the house to him on hearing the baby cry.

Guy fought back tears, he longed to go to Marian but knew he had to wait, it seemed an eternity but Molly who had stayed with Marian throughout her labour appeared in the doorway and announced "My Lady requests you join her in your chamber My Lord" she curtseyed before turning on her heel back into the house.
"What are you waiting for then Master?" enquired Thornton, "we need to know if we have a new little Lady or a future Lord in the house."
Guy grinned at Thornton and ran to the door.

Guy climbed the stairs and hesitated outside his chamber before he opened the door. Marian was sitting up in their bed with fresh linens, she looked tired to Guy but smiled as she saw her husband. Molly excused herself to get her Ladyship some fresh water and extra gowns, she passed Guy just inside the doorway and closed the door as she left.
"Are you just going to stand there or are you coming over to meet you son?" Marian asked Guy.
"A son" he whispered and then moving over to the side of the bed said in a louder but still soft voice "We have a son."
Marian nodded, "Here, see" she lifted the child in her arms towards Guy "and I know he is going to be loud just like his father" she declared.
Guy gently ran his index finger down his son's cheek as he lay in Marian's arms wrapped in a blanket. The baby opened his eyes and Guy saw they were blue like his, the baby let out a loud wail at having been disturbed.
"See" said Marian as she tried to soothe her son, but he did not stop crying until she eased her nipple into his mouth and he started to suck greedily. "He also likes his food like his father" she chuckled.
After a few minutes Marian spoke. "I suppose you would like to name him Guy Junior" she asked as her son stopped suckling and drifted back to sleep.
He took a deep breath, "Actually Marian, I do have a name in mind but it is not Guy Junior." Guy looked at his son against his wife's breast before looking to her face.
"I'd like to name him Edward, after the Grandfather he will never know, I hope you don't mind Marian, we can always choose another name if you don't agree."
Marian looked up at her husband, as tears started rolling down her cheeks.
"Of course I don't mind Guy, and I love you so much for thinking of such a perfect name for our son and for honouring my father."
"Good" Guy grinned at Marian, "our next child will be Guy Junior" he announced as he placed a kiss onto his wife's mouth.

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