Untitled Part 4

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Guy and Marian sat down to supper an hour later. Guy had been hungry when he entered Locksley Manor but on seeing Marian he had forgotten his hunger, however Guy's stomach had growled loudly whilst lounging in bed and Marian had insisted they eat and that they show their faces for supper, so the couple had dressed and were now sitting at the table eating a simple stew prepared by Victoria the cook.

A knock on the door was answered by Thornton who could be heard saying that the Master was eating and the messenger was to wait but the messenger responded loudly that Guy was required immediately in Nottingham at the Sheriff's request.
"Come" requested Guy, the messenger entered the dining room and Guy enquired "What is the problem at Nottingham?"
The messenger bowed before responding. "I do not know sir, the Sheriff has demanded your presence at the castle immediately." He bowed again.
Marian looked at Guy and he saw the fear in her eyes. He stood and directed Thornton to ask Tom to saddle his horse. Guy went to Marian's side and took her hand and bent to kiss her on the cheek and then whispered in her ear.
"If I have not returned or sent word in 36 hours, contact Robin."
He kissed her again on the cheek before pulling her to stand before him. Marian wrapped her arms around Guy's neck and rose on her toes to kiss him. As she pulled back a fraction from his lips she answered "I will."

Guy rode beside the messenger, whose name he discovered was John, but he didn't strike up a conversation. He was trying to work out what the problem might be. Vaisey had his money, Guy had acted on his wishes, the only thing he could think of was the lack of a prisoner but surely that was good as it meant more money had been collected.
It was dark as Guy and John entered the castle gates, and Guy expected to be told to retire to his room at the castle and see Vasey in the morning, so he was surprised to find that he was expected in the Sheriff's rooms without delay. Guy strode along the corridors before coming to a stop outside Vaisey's door. He knocked and then entered, Vasey turned from the window and grinned at Guy.

"Ah, Gisborne" he said.
"My Lord, you required me to return?" Guy replied.
"Yes, Yes. You see I cannot understand why I do not have any prisoners tonight" Vaisey drummed his fingers on his chin trying to look thoughtful.
"There are no prisoners my Lord as all taxes were paid."
"Yes, all taxes were paid, I have had the money recounted to check, but how did all of the villagers manage to pay, Gisborne?"
Guy raised an eyebrow in a look that suggested he didn't know.
"Did you not question it Gisborne, someone must have warned them that I was collecting taxes, I have a traitor in my midst" Vaisey yelled.
"A traitor my Lord?" Guy enquired. "Do you know who, my Lord?"
Vaisey grinned before declaring "You."

Guy stared at Vaisey, a look of disbelief on his face. "How can you claim I am a traitor, I have served you as you have wished."
"You were the only person to know about my water tax prior to the collection today, therefore it must have been you who warned the villagers, and they must have asked Hood for the money to pay you today" he snapped back.
"My Lord, I have not warned the villagers about your tax at all."
"Perhaps you told that leper you call your wife, hmmm. Did you tell her Gisborne, did she warn the villagers, perhaps she told Hood who then brought the money?" Vaisey mused for a few seconds before announcing "Yes that's it, you told Lady Marian and she told Robin and he came along and saved the day by handing out the money, but you know what Gisborne, that was my money he handed out" he bellowed.
"My Lord, I have not mentioned the water tax to anyone, not even Lady Marian. I am not a traitor, I am your Master at Arms and I am here to serve you."
"Well, you can serve me in the dungeon tonight whilst I think about this some more."
"My Lord, I have done nothing wrong, please do not send me to the dungeon."
"Guards, take him away, I'm bored now."
Three guards appeared in the doorway, two took hold of Guy by the arms. Guy thought about struggling but then decided it would be futile, Marian would send a message to Robin soon and hopefully he wouldn't have to spend too long in the castle dungeon. He would have to rethink his plan now but he would have time to do that whilst he waited for Robin and his men to rescue him.

Marian paced the hallway of Locksley Manor. The feeling in the pit of her stomach had returned, Guy was in trouble, she knew it. Guy had said to inform Robin if he did not return or send word in 36 hours but Marian was not waiting that long, she would send a message to Robin immediately and she knew the only person she could trust to do that was Molly.
As if she had conjured her up, Molly appeared. "My Lady why don't I draw you a bath? You could try the new petal mix you got today from Rosa." she said, before adding "I am sure the Master will return soon."
Marian smiled, "Thank you Molly, I will take a bath. It may help me relax but I also have another task for you, one that you must complete quickly and that you must not share with anyone."
"Of course my Lady, anything you wish."

Marian instructed Molly on how to find Robin and also handed Molly the note she was to deliver, before she climbed into the bath. Molly had used the new mix of petals and herbs, which Marian had purchased from Rosa, to fragrance her bath and the scent was having a relaxing effect on her. She was feeling tired she put it down to her anxiety throughout the day, although she had been feeling more tired than usual over the past couple of days. Marian smiled to herself as she thought about the amount of time she and Guy had spent awake delighting each other. Guy had shown Marian things she had never thought possible and she had been brave and taken the lead in their lovemaking this afternoon when he had returned safely from Nottingham. Instinctively, as she thought of her husband, she moved her hand to her feminine place between her thighs. Guy had used his fingers and his mouth to pleasure her and had encouraged Marian to touch herself as well. She had never done that before Guy had suggested it. In her mind it was Guy's fingers gently probing and rubbing. Marian stroked the area lightly and then with increased pressure as Guy had done previously, she continued to rub the sensitive spot until she felt the now familiar tug from her belly to the area she was touching. Her breath started to become shorter as the release she sought built within her. Marian brought her free hand to her left breast and squeezed as Guy would do, but winced at the pain she inflicted on herself. Guy must be gentler in his ministrations although in Marian's mind he could be quite rough, not that she didn't enjoy that, but she also enjoyed his gentle touches. Marian cried out as her fingers touched the sensitive nub between her legs, throwing her head back and drawing deep breaths as her orgasm overtook her. As her breathing returned to its normal rhythm Marian started to feel the chill of the night air on her. Molly had asked Kate to help Lady Marian as required whilst she ran the errand, but Marian was able to get herself dressed for bed. She would tell Kate when she was finished so she could empty the bath. Marian stood, but as she did so the room started to spin, she quickly sat again and took some steadying breaths. She had obviously stood too quickly after she had found her release.

A knock on the door sounded and Kate asked if Marian required help. Marian called her in and allowed the young maid to help her out of the bath although she was OK now. The room no longer spun when she stood. She told Kate she would dress herself and when she had finished she excused herself to the bedchamber. Marian climbed into bed feeling that she could not sleep until Molly returned with news that Robin was going to Nottingham, but as she laid her head back on the pillows her eyes shut and she drifted off to sleep.

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