Untitled Part 5

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Molly took Marian's chestnut mare from the stable as instructed. The mare was fast and sure-footed and Molly was soon within the forest. Marian had warned her of the traps Robin and his gang had laid and she had avoided one already. As Molly made her way closer to Robin's hideout she was halted by two men, one of whom held a bow and arrow aimed at her, neither was Robin whom Molly had seen at Locksley Manor and neither large enough to be Little John so she hazarded a guess and said loudly "Allan & Much unless I am mistaken."
Robin appeared out of the darkness and ordered Much to drop his bow. He walked up to the mare, patted her neck and took the rein in his hand.
"I am Robin, you have been sent here by Marian, this is her mare?" it was half statement half query.
"I know who you are, I have seen you at Locksley and at Nottingham and yes, I have been sent to find you" Molly replied. "Lady Marian has sent me because the Sheriff sent guards to Locksley for the Master this evening. He has been taken to Nottingham and her Ladyship is concerned. Although the Master may be safe, Lady Marian fears that Vaisey is aware of your plans and that the Master's life is in danger" Molly handed Robin Marian's note to confirm her reason for finding him.
Robin looked thoughtfully at Molly, he and Guy had known it was a risk paying all of the taxes today but they could not allow anyone to be imprisoned.

Robin looked at Molly, "Tell Marian we will go to Nottingham in the morning, there is nothing we can do tonight, but I will come up with a plan and we will go to find out what is going on."
Molly smiled at Robin, "I will pass on your message, and I hope you can help his Lordship as Lady Marian is going to need him."
"Lady Marian can look after herself and I am always here to help her too if she needs me" Robin retorted.
"She does not yet know what I can see, but this time, believe me she will need her husband's support."

Molly turned the mare as Robin frowned at her, the girl was talking nonsense.
"I will pass on your message, I hope you will not be too late" Molly called as she spurred the mare into action on the track out of the forest towards Locksley. She silently prayed that Sir Guy would be OK.

Guy lay on the hard wooden bench in the cell, thinking of Marian in their bed. He knew that she would find Robin soon and tell him that he had been taken to Nottingham by Vasey's guards. He had said to inform him if he had not sent word in 36 hours but he had known as he rode to Nottingham that Marian would find Robin in the morning.
Marian had looked pale as he left and he had seen the fear in her eyes. He had comforted her in their bed only yesterday morning, as he had woken to find her crying against his side and on probing she had spoken of her fear for him if Vaisey found out about the plot to remove him as the Sheriff of Nottingham. Guy had been thinking about the plan he and Robin had made all night, possibly the Sheriff of Leicester would arrive today and demand that Vaisey attend a meeting of nobles to explain his conduct over recent months. Conduct that was having a detrimental effect on the surrounding areas as people tried to leave Nottingham and Vasey's odious treatment of them. Vasey had even withheld water from the villages by damming the river and then asked people to pay for water from the castle supply. He had caught four people trying to steal water he had deliberately left out and had had their right hands cut off as a result. Marian had cried at that too and had then screamed at Guy for letting Vaisey do it. Guy had explained that he and Robin were working on a plan and he could not act too impetuously or Vaisey would be suspicious. It appeared that Vaisey was suspicious anyway and now Guy needed a new plan but first he needed to get out of the dungeon.

Robin, John, Allan, Will, Much and Djaq made their way to Nottingham castle as soon as the sun started to rise. Robin would try to find out what Vasey was up to and where Guy was. This might all be for nothing, Vasey may have demanded that his Master at Arms return as he had a new task for him, but Robin doubted this was so and thought that Vaisey was onto Guy. Once Robin knew where Guy was and had an idea on Vaisey's plans he would work out what he was going to do. Robin had been wary of Guy initially, he had hated him for the things he had done under Vasey's instruction, for taking his lands and title but ultimately for taking Marian, his woman, his love. But as the two of them had worked together to find a way to get rid of Vaisey he had seen for himself the love that Guy had for Marian and indeed Marian for Guy and they had formed a bond. Gisborne had informed Robin he could have his lands and title back once he had found somewhere for himself and Marian to live but recently Robin had said he did not want his land at Locksley back, he would move on and find himself a new place to live, a new place to restart his life, but only once the villagers of Nottinghamshire were secure and there was a new Sheriff in town, one who treated them with respect and dignity.

Robin and Allan made their way into the castle whilst John, Will, Djaq and Much stayed outside, there was no point all of them being caught. Robin and Allan had just found their way into the corridor outside Vaisey's office when they heard the sound of the wretched man's voice. He was further along the corridor and heading their way. Robin quickly moved behind a pillar whilst Allan stood in the shadows of the entrance to the castle dining room, hoping Vaisey wasn't heading there for breakfast. The sheriff was getting closer, Robin was just starting to make out what he was saying when Vasey announced "You'd better take some food down to Gisborne, I won't let him starve to death, I have great plans for my treacherous friend." He let out a loud chuckle as the guard responded and then Vasey moved on. Robin and Allan waited a few minutes before moving from their respective hiding places.
"I need to get down to the dungeon. That must be where Gisborne is" Robin announce to Allan.
"Robin are you sure you can trust Gisborne, this might all be a trap?" Allan responded.
"I trust him Allan" Robin looked Allan in the eye as he spoke, just like I trust you and Much and John and Will and Djaq.

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