27 - Unforgiven

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It was 2:23 a.m., David was asleep in bed, she reached over to the other side of the bed for Faye, but she wasn't there, "Mm. Pri? Pri?" He heard Neal crying, he got out of bed and walked over to the cot, "Neal? Hey. Ohh," He picked up his baby, "Hi, buddy. I gotcha. Hey," David said as he looked at him.

"What a lovely child," Maleficent said as she appeared behind him.

David turned around, "Stay the hell away from my son," He said.

"We're not the ones you should fear," Cruella said as she walked up and stood next to the Maleficent.

"Something far worse than us looms over his head," Ursula said as she walked up and stood on the other side of Maleficent.

"The truth of what you did to me," Maleficent said and she magically took Neal from David.

"Don't hurt my family," David said.

"When I'm finished, you won't have a family left to hurt," Maleficent said.

The clock struck 2:38 a.m. when David woke up from her nightmare, "Pri?" He looked to the side of the bed and she was gone, he got out of bed and walked over to Neal who was sleeping, "Oh... Priscilla?" David called out again.

"Hey. I'm right here," Faye said and he saw her sitting on the rocking chair by the cot.

David walked over to her and Faye stood up as David sat down and pulled his wife onto her lap as she curled up against up, "Well, you haven't slept a wink, have you?" David asked.

"No, it's hard with Ursula and Cruella just down the street," Faye said.

"Tell me about it. I just had the worst nightmare. You were gone. I went to check on Neal and those two surrounding him... Only... Maleficent was there, too," David said.

"Of course, she was," Faye said.

"Pri, she said she would make me pay for what I did," David said.

"Well, it's a good thing she's no longer around and we have to make sure it stays that way," Faye said.

"The other two are. And they know. This can't be a coincidence," David said.

Faye sighed, "It doesn't matter. None of that matters. All that does is that we kick them the hell out of this town before anyone else learns what you did, I'm not covering for you and your dead wife any longer," Faye said and David nodded as he held her close and they watched Neal sleeping in his cot.


Later that morning, in Granny's Bed and Breakfast, Elaine and Killian were laying in the bed together, "I'm sure your stepmother's fine," Killian said.

"Yeah, but..." Elaine said as she looked at him.

"Fine. I'll talk to her," Elaine smiled, "But I'm sure she's fine," Killian said.

"I know you know her better than I do, but..." Elaine sighed and turned onto her back looking at the ceiling, "I can't explain it... It's not like Katy's and Daniella's empath power, I just sense something... Off. Her magic more than anything," Elaine said.

"Hey," Killian turned onto his side and placed his left arm under her head as she looked at him, "It's your power, along with your wishing power, you'll get used to it. It's been getting stronger since the crocodile left and now with him gone we don't have to be afraid of him getting involved," He rubbed placed his right arm over her stomach and looked at her, "You need to relax again, love, you're getting yourself worked up and you just woke up," Killian said.

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