32 - Poor Unfortunate Soul

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In a dream, Regina was walking through the woods looking at a photo of her and Emma kissing, "Regina!" Emma called out.

Regina looked up and through the fog, she saw a familiar face, "Emma?" Regina said.

"Regina!" Emma said as she ran over to face.

"What are you doing here?" Regina asked.

"That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is we're both safe," Emma said and they kissed passionately.

Regina pulled away with a smile but it quickly dropped, "Someone's watching," She turned to see the Evil Queen walking towards them, "What the hell are you doing here?" Regina said.

Regina pulled away with a smile but it quickly dropped, "Someone's watching," She turned to see the Evil Queen walking towards them, "What the hell are you doing here?" Regina said

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"Get away from her!'" The Evil Queen said as she threw a fireball at them.

At Mr Gold's cabin, Regina woke up with a gasp and found herself sitting in a chair. Maleficent had been watching her sleep, "If you're having trouble sleeping, I have something that might help," Maleficent said.

"I'm fine. Thank you," Regina said.

Mr Gold walked into the cabin, "Hello, dearies," Mr Gold said as he closed the door behind him.

"Tell us... Did you find anything at the puppet's trailer?" Cruella asked.

Mr Gold chuckled as he looked at August, "Of course not. The man's a born liar. He would never have cracked so easily. I paid a visit to the fairies. Or rather, a visit to their ample supply of magic," He pulled out a small potion vial, "Now, this potion can temporarily reverse any spell those do-gooders cast. They made him real. This can undo that. I promise you, deary... This is gonna hurt," He removed August's gag and forced him to drink the potion, and very slowly August turned back into wood, "Now... Let's see if we can pull this puppet's strings," Mr Gold said.

Elsewhere, the Swan twins, David and Faye pulled up before a bridge in the cars and they all got out and began walking away heading in the direction of the cabin, "Gold's cabin's up ahead

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Elsewhere, the Swan twins, David and Faye pulled up before a bridge in the cars and they all got out and began walking away heading in the direction of the cabin, "Gold's cabin's up ahead. We go on foot from here," Elaine said.

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