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"Why are we in the back of a truck, Sam?" Ava narrowed her eyes as the doctor sitting between her and Sam continued to stitch the wound on her shoulder. It had been dislocated. Corrections had to be done before he could so much as look at the lacerations. And now, as he focused on getting her patched up before they reached their destination, his brow furrowed and he chewed on his lip. "And where is Little Bug? Or Torres?"

She wanted to ask where the hell Bucky was too but she couldn't spit the words out.

He'd pushed her into the back of Torres' SUV, climbed in beside her and held onto her wound to stem the bleeding - talking to her the whole time, telling her she'd be okay and that she just needed to keep her eyes open - only to disappear as soon as they'd switched vehicles. And it didn't escape her notice that he'd been limping too.

"We're in the back of a truck because someone wants to kill you." Sam's face didn't so much as twitch towards anything like a smile. "And they're with Buck."

The chill from the air seemed to cling to her exposed skin as she fisted the t-shirt Bucky had given her this morning and tried not to snap at the man helping her. Sitting in the back of a freezing truck, in nothing but jeans and a bra, with Captain freaking America staring at her like she'd killed his freaking puppy was beginning to get on her nerves.

"There you go." The doctor tied off the last suture before reaching into his bag and retrieving dressing. "Just need to wrap you up and then you guys can drop me off."

"Drop you off where?" Ava tilted her head to the side as she spoke. No one was telling her where they were headed and she didn't seem to think dropping off the doc at a busy hospital when people were trying to kill her was the smartest choice. 

"Anywhere." The doctor grinned. "My contacts will find me."

"Seems suspicious," she muttered as he wound the dressing over her shoulder and across her chest.

"And your entire existence isn't?" Sam muttered.

Ava sighed. Yesterday he was the one that hated her less. Today, it seemed, he hated her enough for both himself and Barnes. "Where are we going?" 

"Somewhere safe," Sam smacked the metal that separated them from the driver and the truck shuddered to a stop.

"Which is?" Ava watched as someone dressed in black pulled the back door open and reached a hand into their cramped quarters, helping the doctor as he ducked out of the vehicle and reached for his bag.

"Keep it clean, change the dressings twice a day, minimal movement for the next couple of days." The doctor stared directly at Ava as he spoke and Sam glared at her. "I would say longer, but I know the guys on this team too well to think any of you would listen. If it gets messed up again, you have my number, Wilson." He nodded quickly at Sam who smiled a little before the door slammed shut again and moments later the sputter of an old engine tore at the silence.

"So." Ava shifted uncomfortably as she tried to put her t-shirt back on without raising her arm. "Where is this safe place?"

"An old friend is willing to let us hide out with them for a while - figure out our next step."

Ava nodded, afraid to ask too many questions but too curious to sit in silence.

"An old friend of yours? Or Buckaroo's?"

"Both," Sam sighed as he watched her cringe as she got caught in the material of the top. "Need a hand?"

"I've got it," she grunted, pulling on the fabric with one hand and clenching her jaw as she forced her arm into the sleeve. "So this old friend? I take it they're going to hate me too?"

Do You Trust Me? // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now