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The sun had risen slowly as she watched him sleeping, laying beside her with one arm draped across her waist. His fingers had splayed protectively against her spine as he slept, warm and comforting, and as she had curled into his embrace she had felt peace. And so she watched him. 

She traced the shadow of stubble across his jaw and the tiniest quiver of his lip. She drowned willingly in the hushed whisper of soft breathing that had soothed her mind as she watched his lashes brush over his cheeks. She ran her fingertip over the smoothed lines of worry that had etched themselves into his brow. She memorised it all, in case this moment - this fantasy she found herself sinking into - should ever have to end. And he slept soundly.



When the golden glow of dawn had crept silently over them, warming his skin and casting a golden red sort of glow behind his eyes, he felt her stirring, and Bucky smiled shyly at the thought of the woman in his arms. His eyes had yet to open, and still he knew, if he were to look towards her now she would be staring up at him with intrigue and confusion and just a little bit of doubt behind those expressive eyes. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, she'd be chewing on the fullness of her lower lip and furrowing her brow, and he knew, without question, that the second he pulled her lips to his own she would melt into their kiss with a softness he had come to crave - a softness he had never expected. And so he did just that.

His eyes opened to meet hers, and as he had predicted she was frowning slightly, but when his hand grazed her cheek and his thumb stroked against her lip, she sighed with the touch. It was music in a sea of silence. Pulling her face to his own, he did not think once before he trapped her lips with his own. He hardly registered the faint trace of mint on her breath as his hands slipped to her waist and he moved himself slowly, his tongue stroking the seam of her lips in a desperate plea to do more, to feel more, to taste more. He didn't think past the whimper of her pleasure that speared his chest and spiked his heart rate when he rolled to position himself over her where they lay and her fingers wound themselves into his hair. He could not breathe without her air when he pressed against her body, her leg hitching over his hip and pulling him impossibly close, the thrill of having her so close and so pliant waking every inch of his sleeping body. He could only groan as she gasped and clawed at his t-shirt when he rocked his hips slowly, the friction between them flammable in the hazy morning mist, and desire sent shivers down his spine. And he could only groan when a tiny knock on the door left her body stiffening beneath him and her breathing hitching painfully.

As Bucky kissed Ava one last time before rolling away from her, he wanted to tell her to stay there. He wanted to tell her they would resume immediately, but he knew it wasn't right. Not yet. So, instead, he pushed out of the bed, with one last look at the flushed and breathless woman who had just been like diamonds in his hands, and he padded towards the bedroom door.

"Mama said it's ready." Nathaniel beamed up at him when the door opened and Bucky's heart felt a little heavy looking at the little man in front of him. His hair was an unruly mass of curls, but his eyes were crystal clear and blue - the balance of his mother and his father so perfectly maintained in his looks - but the mole on his cheek, singular and small, and the perfect upturn of his little nose were those of his aunties - a friend Bucky never had the chance to say goodbye to. 

"Yeah? You help her, or did she do it all wrong again?" Bucky teased, dropping to the child's height and gently poking that little brown fleck on the rounded cheek, still full of baby fat and innocence. 

"Na-huh." Nathaniel's head shook quickly, curls bouncing with the movement, and his chin lifted defiantly. "Daddy said Mama did it right. Daddy said Mama always does it right, you're just jealous because you can't fix it."

Do You Trust Me? // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now