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"Don't leave."

Ava's eyes snapped up from the glass of amber liquid she held between her hands at the sound of the gruff plea. Bucky stood in the doorway, staring at her. His eyes were blazing with something desperate and honest and gut-wrenchingly open, and Ava could not look away.

"What?" It came out as a whisper and when Bucky stepped closer, she held her breath.

He stopped beside where she sat, his movements unsure and tentative, and he swallowed hard. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Ava registered the silent movement of Talia - turning to the counter behind her and clearing away bottles of whiskey and rum she'd pulled out as soon as she had pulled Ava away from Bucky's shouting - and she thought that maybe it was a good thing she stayed. Maybe she shouldn't be alone with Bucky right now. Not because she was angry with him, or because she didn't want to be alone with him, but because she'd heard every word he'd screamed at Sam. And something stirred inside of her when she thought too much on the idea of the Super Soldier before her fighting for her. Protecting her.

"Don't leave." He repeated his instruction as his thumb brushed against her cheek, wiping away more fallen tears, and her breathing hitched.

"I -" She tried to look away from the intensity of his icy eyes, but he cupped her cheek and stopped her from moving. So she closed them instead, hoping the darkness will bring her clarity. Or sanity. "I shouldn't be here. I'm not wanted here."


Bucky moved quickly, his hands slipping to Ava's waist and gripping gently as he twisted her in her chair. Touching her with so much ease was intoxicatingly simple. It felt natural and right to place his fingers against the thin cotton of her t-shirt and hold on to her like this. It felt easy. He felt the way her body stiffened and heard the catch of a gasp in her throat as her eyes fluttered open and her mouth parted slightly.

"They're idiots, Ava." He was crouching before her, staring at her as she furrowed her brow and her eyes flickered over his face. She was so close to him. So close that the air around him prickled and stung his skin and a soft aroma of caramel and smoke, honey and orange blossom seemed to linger and caress his senses. She was so close he could almost taste her, and as he held her stare and tried to steady his rapid heart, he finally let himself admit it. He wanted her. More than he'd ever wanted anything. He wanted Ava Hall. He wanted to hold her, to touch her, kiss her and cherish her. He wanted her to feel safe and loved and wanted. He wanted her to be his. He'd wanted her the moment he'd first laid eyes on her and he was done trying to convince himself otherwise. "They don't know it, but they're idiots. We all have been."

He watched as she took another shaky breath and felt the soft touch of her finger tips against his chest, half holding him back, half just resting against him, and he waited.

When Ava finally spoke again, Bucky felt a relieved chuckle bubble in his throat.

"Agreed." She sniffled as her eyes closed and her head dropped forwards. Bucky moved slowly, resting his forehead against hers and letting his eyes drift shut with her, and he revelled in the small sigh that sounded from her lips. "What the hell was that, Buckaroo?"

He didn't answer. No answer he could give her would be right in this moment. Instead he just listened to her breathing and he ignored the desire to pull her closer.

"Come on, Ava." The gentle lilt of concern sang from Talia's voice and the pair pulled apart quickly, momentarily shocked by the memory that they were not alone. "I think you and I might benefit from some girl talk?"

Reluctantly, Bucky's hands slipped from her hips and he straightened where he was, pushing out of his crouched position and taking a step away from her. He watched as her eyes followed his steps and a small frown twisted against her lips.

Do You Trust Me? // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now