Finding Sophia

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Glenn's POV's

When I got out of the tent and saw Rick and Daryl discussing about Sophia, I took advantage of the situation and went to see Idalia until Rick needed me. Seeing her in bed when I walked into the room. It had a hold on me for a while, but the notion of her being wounded had gotten to me. I sat in a chair near the bed, holding her hand, waiting for her to wake up.

Daryl's POV

Rick wants to discuss about finding Sophia now that we have a map, so we met by the truck with  T-dog and Andrea.

"All right everyone's getting new search grids today. She made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found. She might have gone further east then we've been so far." Rick was telling us then he interrupted by a kid. Rick asked him if Hershel was ok with it but you can tell that the Kidd was lying to Rick's face. Then Shane had to opening his big mouth and complain about everything that Rick dose and doing. 

"About What Daryl found screaming Sophia to me, anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse." He went out and said. Then Andrea went and said something. Rick then went and said that 'maybe we'll pick up our trail again'.  

" Maybe about it I'm going to borrow a horse. Head up to this ridge right here get a bird's eye view of the whole grid. She's up there I'll find her." I went and said to Rick.

"Ye, good idea. Maybe you'll see your chupacabra up there to," T-dog had to make fun of me about that story I told them back at the camp when we first met everyone.

"Chupacabra?" Rick asked. Dale went on and told Rick about the first time in camp that I told them about me seeing a chupacabra. then the kid just chuckled at it. 

" What are you bringing that jackass."  I went and said to him.

" So you believe in a blood-sucking dog." He went and said to me. Making fun of me so I turned around at him and said. 

"You believe dead people walking around." Then the kid tried kicking up the gun but Rick took it out of his hand and asked if he's ever fired a gun before. Then the kid went out and said the if his going out he would like one. 

Walked into the house and into Idalia's room and saw Glenn there in a chair holding her hand. Glenn looked up to see me in the door way looking at her. 

" Is she all right?" I asked him. He looked back at her and nodded her head. 

" You, me and Rick are going to have to talk about this whole thing about this. You know that right." I went out and told him. Glenn turned round and looked at me. 

" What if she won't have us as...... You know." He said. 

" Trust me she will. She's a little she wants some to be there for her and look after her. If you can't do that stop getting so attached to her and making her thing that you can be one of her Daddy's." I said to him. I had to tell him the truth.

" I know and I wan to be there for her and I want to be one of her Daddy's but I'm just thinking of how id this going to work between the three of us. You know." He said while turning around to look at me. 

" Thats why we need to talk about it. I've got to go and find Sophia." I turned around and left the house. 

Rick's POV

Finding Hershel doing some work. While walking up to him he went and said.

" One of my horses is missing. Did one of your people take it."

" I was given the impression you knew about that." I told Hershel. 

" I did not ." He went and said.

"I'll have a word with Daryl."

" And Jimmy. You took him out today did he also give you the impression of my consent." Hershel went out and said.

" No he said it outright. Took the boy at his word." I said stepping closer to him.

" Jimmy is 17 he's not my kid but I am responsible for him. These things need to be cleared with me." He said after finishing his work.

" It sounds like we need to work on our communication. What do you suggest." I said so we don't cause anymore problems.

" Keep it simple. I'll control my people you control your." Hershel went out and said. I just nodded to him and went on my way back to our camp and see if everything is going well then maybe go and see my sweetheart. 

Daryl's POV

After walking up my vision was blurry at first then is settled, them I saw Merle looking over me. The first thing he went and said to me was.

"Why don't you pull that arrow our you dummy. You can bind your wound better." 

" Merle." I said not believing if his really there.

" What's going on here. You taking a siesta or something."

" Shitty day bro."

" You like me to get your pillow. Maybe rub your feet." He said sarcastically.

" Screw you."

" You're the one screwed from the looks of it. All the years I spent trying to make a man of you. This is what I get look at you. Lying in the dirt like a used rubbing. You're gonna doe out here little brother and for what." 

" A girl. they lost a little girl." I told him. 

" So you got a thing for littler girls now. Because I noticed you ain't out looking for old Merle no more."

"Tried looking for you  bro."

' Like hell you did. You split man. Lay down first chance you got."

" You lay down. All you had to do was wait. We went back for you, Rick and I. did right by him." 

" Is the same Rick that cuffed me to the rooftop in the first place. Forced me to cut off my own hand. That's what we're talking about here.  You his bitch now."

" I ain't nobody's bitch." I told him straight.

" Your jokes. That's what you are, playing Aaron boy to a bunch of pansy asses   and democrats. You're nothing but a freak to them. Redneck trash, it's all y'all yeah they're laughing at you behind your back. You know that don't you. I got news for you son non of these days they're gonna scrape you off their heels like he was dog shit." Merle said as I was closing my eye. He hit me on my chest to keep my eyes open. 

" Hey, they ain't your kind. Your blood, hell you had any damn nuts in that sack of yarn you go back there shoot your arrow in Rick's face for me. Now you listen to me. Ain't  nobody ever gonna care about you except me little brother. Ain't nobody ever will. Come on,  get up on your feet before I have to kick  your teeth in." Merle go up and started kicking me. I open my eyes a again and saw a walker trying to eat me shoe. I they to fight the walker away from me. I kill one walker and another is coming towards me. I pull the arrow out if me. I grab my bow and get it ready as fast as I could. As the walker got closer I shot the walker and rolled over and the walker landed on the floor with an arrow in its head. 

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