Trying something new

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Rick's POV

Talking to Daryl about getting Randall out of the farm house and away from us. When I saw Shane return, I knew something bad was going to happen while we were gone. Returning my attention to Daryl, I continue to interact with him.

"I was thinking of giving Idalia, her knife. You know after what happened with Dale." I told daryl.

"We're gonna have to show her how to us it and she's got to remember it's not a toy that she can play with."

"We'll talk to her about it." I told himHe nods his head then got up and go to the loo, while Shane came coming towards me.

"Hey man have you seen Carl lately?" Shane asked while coming towards me.

"He's inside with his mother." I told him looking back at the door. looking back at Shane I could tell he wanted to tell me something.

"Whats up bud." I asked him.

"Look he came to me. He told me not to say anything, but.... He was at the swamps yesterday, he came across a walker. Stuck in the mud, he got scared and he ran off."

I couldn't believe what he was telling me about Carl. I just had one thing on my mind that could of explained what happened with Dale yesterday. And I just had to ask him.

"The same walker that killed Dale."

"That's the one." He told me.

The amount of times me and Lori have told that boy to do as he's told and stay where our people can see him. I was to frustrated to deal with this and have the Randal thing going on.

"I'll have Lori talk to him."

"Na I thing... I think he wants to talk to his father."

"Well I need this Randall thing done already."

"Man that needs to wait okay."

"It's my call." I told him trying to keep my cool down.

"How about I ride out with Daryl. Good for us to spend a little time together." He told me. But I couldn't trust him anymore around this group.

"Na I need you here."

"Don't think I'll handle it right huh." He's trying gilt tripping me then he goes and says things like that.

"I didn't say that." I say as we just have a staring compassion. He looked away and started told get something out of his back pocked.

"You know your son.... He gave me this..... Get it back to Daryl huh... Freeing that prisoner. More important to you then Carl." Shane started to walk away. I'm beyond pissed that he thinks that he is good for Carl and that he thinks he can just replace me and take him away from me. He can have Lori but he can never be a father to Carl like I am.

Idalia's POV

Sitting up in the barn with Carl on watch with our binoculars, posing it to each other every couple of minutes. Hearing foot steps from a fair that is coming towards the barn. Daddy claimed up the ladder to sit with us looking out at the barn sitting in silence making it a bit intense for all of us.

"Your mum said you both would be up here."

"We told her we would stay on watch. We got tired of helping around with the washing and picking berries." Carl told daddy.

"Take it." Daddy told Carl while handing him a gun. I look over at them wondering why daddy is giving Carl a gun and that Lori won't be so happy that daddy is giving Carl a gun with out talking to her about it. Because we all know that he didn't talk to Lori about it but to me who give's a flying turd about it.

But I did kind of felt sorrowful that daddy is giving Carl a gun but he won't give me my guns I've pointed out when we went to the police station.

"What happened to Dale had nothing to do with you." Daddy tried to make Carl feel better about what happened to Dale. But it is true it wasn't Carls fault. He was only trying to be braver I would of probably do the same thing if I was Carl.

"But he died dad." Carl told daddy. All Dady did was nod his head like his agreeing with him.

"yeah, I guess there is a lot of that going on... Thats why I need you... No more kid stuff.... I wish you had the childhood I had but we know that isn't going to happen soon. So why not try growing up now and start being an adult. And make me and your mother proud.

Carl held the gun out of daddy's hand and slide it into the back of his trousers and got up and walked out of the barn just leaving me and daddy up in the barn on out own with silence in the air.

Daddy turned to me and place me on his lap. I had my head down not looking at him. He held a finger under my chin making me look up at him with my sad eyes.

"What's wrong my love." Daddy asked me with concern in is voice.

"When will I be having my gun daddy. I've been a good girl, like you told me to be." I told him with tears staring to form in my eyes and about to slid done my check.

"I've been talking to Daryl love and we said that we will teach you how to use it but like I told Carl the gun is not a toy to be played with okay. You can't just play with it okay you've got to be grown up about this okay." I nod my head agreeing with what daddy is saying.

We sat in silence again and lately I've really wanted to try and have more interment feelings for my daddy. So I thought I would give it ago.

I gently kissed his neck and felt him shiver. I giggle to myself and thinking this might work so I went back and did it again. Daddy pulled away from me and the look on my face make his smirk.

" I think we should slow down." He chuckled at the innocent whimper that left my mouth.

"I don't think you're ready for what comes next."He said soothingly, holding my frame tightly.

Look at him with worry in my eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, of course not love." He mentions to me. "But kissing my neck is going to lead us into an entirely different experience."

"What experience?" I asked with a confused face and my head tilted to the side.

He placed his hand on my bum and squeezed it and I yelped at the actions that his doing. I moved my hand over my mouth. One, so nobody can hear us and two, making sure that daddy didn't hear me.

"The kind that gets us both on the floor and naked." He growled at me. He got up while my arms are still around him and his hands under my bum while walking out the barn he goes and parts my bum softly once in a while.

"Where we gowing?" I whispered to him as I play with thew collar of his shirt while slipping in to my little space.

"We're going back to the farm house so you can have your nap. is that okay love?" He whispered back to me. Felling him running circles on my back which is making me fell sleepy.

Soon we got to our sleeping bag and daddy tucked me in then kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight little dove." I heard daddy whisper.

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