Something is about to change

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Idalia's POV
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I think I've wondering around in circles in the woods. I haven't come across a walker yet which would be my luck if I did right now with no weapon on me. 

Rick's POV

Meeting every one back at the highway. Knowing that some of our people will be gone but that won't stop us from trying to live in this life that we are now in. 

After looking around for the one person that means the world to me and Daryl. Just knowing that she isn't there makes my stomach turn and my heart sink. Wondering if she's hurt or she's turned into a walker. I don't like the Idea of her being hurt or she's turned. 

I want to go back to the farm and look for her but knowing that walkers will still be there and with us not having a lot of ammo isn't good. Thinking of a plane to find her. Finding a place to stay and have Daryl and I go out and look for her out there. 

Daryl's POV 

Looking around not seeing Idalia with us, has my heart sink in the pit of my stomach. Just looking atRick says it all as well. And what makes me pissed off is that no one has noticed as well that our happy, up beat and cheery girl isn't here. I know Rick is thinking of going out there and look for her but we have to look after the group right now, Even I don't like the idea of her all alone out there with nothing to defend herself. But we have other people to look after. 

Idalia's POV

Walking around the woods trying to find a cabin or something where there is  food and maybe a weapon I could use. Trying to think like rick in these's situation. 

Time Skip 

Knowing that I might not see Daddy Rick and Daddy Daryl and the rest of the group again, just hurts me and that I know I might not last for long with me slipping in and out of little space.

 Third Person POV 

Idalia lays on the wet muddy ground sobbing, with all the crying she slips into little space, her little space is unaware about the whole world ending and unaware that the walkers are scary looking for her. 

Idalia finally stands up, trying to wipe the muddy, making it worse for herself and getting her clothes more dirty. She seriously needed to find a place to stay and find weapons, food and water. To lost in her thought  unaware that a walker was coming up behind her. 

She screams when she feels her hair being yanked, making her tumble onto the ground while the walker creeped up on her. Idalia scrambles around for something to kill the walker and get free. 

Having one hand holding the walker while having the other searching for something to get the walker off. Her arm is begin to get weak and the walker got closer and closer with the weight of the walker. Idalia getting more scared by the minute at how close the walker is getting to her neck. Once her finger latched on to something to protect her from the walker but it was to late the walkers teeth gripped onto her skin. Idalia swung the object at the walker making it fall off her and she started to batter the walkers head with the object getting drenched in blood. 

Stepping back from the deceased walker she became hysterical, afraid that she'll turn out like the walkers and having Rick and Daryl seeing her like at. Idalia began her journey walking further and further away from the walker that's laying on the floor. 

Just seeing how fair she can before she starts to turn. Her body began to go weak, her walking was slowing down, her eyes began to get fuzzy not seeing anything. She knew it was going to be the end of her life and she was thankful she meet the most amazing people in this fucked up world but she knew it all had to end at some point and now was the time. Her body fell flat on the floor and eventually her breathing slowed now and at that moment she took her last breath.


Thank you for reading this chapter. I know it took me a long time to post this chapter. I just think not a lot of people are liking this but I want to get better at this so in the future more people will like my future story.  

Please vote and comment on what I should do next chapter. And my goal is to get 50 votes not on this particular chapter but on any that would be coming out in the future.

Thanks by the Author.

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