Where do we go from here

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Michonne's POV

It's getting more and more difficult to find a place to stay for the night or simply a few days. We're both getting tired of walking, so you'd think there'd be a cabin somewhere in the middle of the bloody woods, but alas, there isn't. 

I became aware of Idalia's shift in attitude and how childlike or even babylike she was acting. She had a dummy hooked to the bag she was wearing, I saw. And that caused me to reflect. She could be a little. I've heard remarks and made regarding those who see themselves as a little. And I'm ready to tackle the job at hand while simultaneously hunting for group. 

Reaching for her dummy and placing it in-between her lips so she can have it. She started sucking aggressively. Maybe with all the stress that was put on her. With the whole turning into a half walker or what ever you want to call it and not finding her group and also having me following her for a long time. Probably didn't do her good. 

While searching for a place to lay low for a couple of days and sort out a plan on what to do next, I found a cabin just about in the woods you can see a clearing of a road that leads some where but thank fully we found somewhere to stay low. 

We split up when looking in the cabin I looked in the kitchen and Idalia looked in the living room then we moved upstairs and looked in all the different rooms there. We found some go stuff to last us a while and we got some blankets to keep us worm though the winter that is beginning to come. 

Idalia's POV (Head space)

I found a lot of stuff in this house. I found the blankets, some wormer clothes when it gets closer to the winter, matches even though Michonne said I can't have them just in case I hurt myself with them and my daddies wont like it if they found out I hurt myself. 

This cabin didn't have any teddy's in any of the rooms that I can have because I lost mine when I got separated from my daddies. I miss my teddy and it's not like I can ask Michonne if we can go out and find a teddy just because I was silly and lost mine. But hopefully next time we find a new place we can find one then. When I was in my day dream about a new teddy Michonne pulled me down and held her finger up to my lips to keep me quiet. When we where quiet we heard talking outside I some what recognise the voice but I wasn't 100% sure but when it kept getting closer I could recognise the voices. I turn to Michonne and told her that my daddies where out there. Michonne had to have a look out the window first to make sure but when she let me have a look I squealed and ran out the cabin as fast I could with my little legs can go while screaming out for daddies.

"DADDY, DADDY!" I shouted out. I've Never seen them turn to me so fast before and ran to me. Embracing in a big hug while falling on the floor.

Rick and Daryl's POV

We've been looking allover the place for our darlin' but just couldn't find her. Moving every 2 to 3 days so we don't make the same mistake at the farm house. Coming up to a cabin that's run down and looks to be abandoned then all this started we make our way to it for the safety of our group but also trying to find Idalia. Some of the group suggested we not go in there for the safety of Lori's baby but this is the safest thing we have right now and we know that we're all so tired from the walking especially Lori but that was her's and Shane's fault in that. But we're doing our best and keeping this group together. 

Getting to caught up in the pain of our feet and worrying about finding a place for us all a angelic voice yelled out to us and when we turned we saw our angle running to us with her arms out yelling daddy, daddy. It was the most sweeties thing we've seen for a while. We got up to her and gave her one big hug and not letting go we fell to the floor, just hearing the cute giggling coming from her just made our hearts worm and fuzzy inside. After getting up from the floor Daryl held her in his arms while I saw a finger walking out of the cabin our sweet angle came from. Most of us lifted up out weapons at the person but all of a sudden a screeching sound came from behind. Idalia struggling to get out of Daryl's arms as she ran to the person. 

"No, she helped me. Don't hurt her please daddy?" She came out with. This woman helped her out when she was lost. Looking back down at Idalia I could see the pleading in her eyes so I pulled my gun down so did everyone else. Guess the main bit here is that she's ok and safe that's all I want for her. 

We all got in the cabin and sat down on the sofa and the floor Idalia sitting on my lap while Daryl played with her to keep her entertained while the adults talk. Finding out from the woman Michonne that out darlin' girl was bit by a walker and is some what not affected by it. I was happy that she isn't a walker but what Michonne said about when Idalia's face changes when she's hungry or in protective mode was a bit terrifying to know but we'll get used to it but she's still herself at the end of the day and that's all that counts.


Thanks for reading. I'm sorry if there ate some spelling mistakes and I'm sorry it's also a short one. But Idalia, Rick and Daryl are all back together. yea. :) :):)

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