Something bad about to happen

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Daryl's POV

Finding out that Randal isn't in the shade and knowing that his out there trying to find his group so when they come to the farm there will be more problems then we originally planed for. Just knowing that they can hurt our group in-clouding Idalia which pisses me off. Walking up to Idalia, she wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could. Looking down at her I could see the terrified look on her face so I did the one thing I know how to calm her down. I putt my hands under her armpits and lifted her up and had her arms and legs wrap around my body. While I tuck her head in the crook of my neck and rubbed her back to keep her calm.

"Something bad is about to happen." I heard a small muffled voice come from the side of my head. I look to the side and saw Idalia looking at me with waterier eyes.

"What do you mean by that love?" I try asking her but all she does is shrug her shoulders and look the other way. Remembering the I have one of her dummies in my pocket, I take it out and hold it up to her. She turned around and took it out of my hand and into her mouth then laid her head back down.

All of a sudden Shane comes out if the woods with a busted nose, blood all down his face. Him screaming about how Randal jumped at him and took his gun and ran off. To be honest I don't believe a thing that fucker said. But for Ricks sack I had to believe him and go out looking for him. Putting Idalia down and walking of with Rick, Glenn and Shane.

Me, Glenn, Rick and Shane went out into the woods looking for the fucker. But I could tell Shane made it all up by how he said that Randal jumped him but how dose someone who was in the police force not defend himself when his been jumped on. But who am I to say anything Rick always believe Shane over anyone else. Rick thought it would be a good idea if we split up me and Glenn and him and Shane.

Time skip

Walking around the woods finding that piece of shit in the fucking dark is a waste of time. I can't track in the fucking dark even with a torch I still can't see shit.

"He must of followed him a much longer then he says he did."

"There's boold on the tree." I pointed my torch at the tree so myself and Glenn could se much clearer.

"There's more tracks." I followed the footprints while Glenn followed me.

"Hello trouble." I say while Glenn picks up the fabric on the floor. Hearing the crunching of leaves behind us. We rush to the nearest tree to hide from the noise behind. Towering over the tree to glance behind seeing a walker or something that is imatating as a walker. There maybe dehydrated and tired but the likely hood of that happening is very slim.

Glenn goes for a swing but paused falling back onto the ground. Shooting one of my arrows but missed and also falling to the ground. Glenn ripped the walking off of me and bashed its head in. Finding out its Randal and that he's go no bite marks but a broken neck that killed him.

Time skip

Walking back to the farm house. The whole group is waiting in the living room turning their heads to Glenn and I.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?"

"No." Everybody said at once.

"We heard a shot." I told them. Looking around for Idalia.

"Maybe they found Randal." Lori spoke up.

"We found him." I told the group.

"His a walker." I told them. After that the room went quite.

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