Meeting a Hero

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Third person POV

It was the end of the school for Aldera Junior High, we see a teacher entering his classroom, holding a stack of paper in hand. "Alright class settle down, it's the last semester of your junior year. After this your all heading towards high school and the school district would like you all to fill out your papers for the future" the entire class groan minus three individuals. The teacher couldn't help but smirk, throwing the papers in the air as he turned his head away from his class, "But I know you all want to be hero's". A majority of the students minus two began to use their quirks with the teacher looking back at his student telling them to knock it off. "Alright, alright, stop it with your quirks usage, you all know it's illegal to use them without a hero license." The class began to shimmer down as their teacher took out a separate pack of pages with the students dream schools, mostly wanting to enter the hero course, but he soon found three specific names wanting to enter U.A. "Well, it seems like Denki Kaminari, and Izuku Midoriya Both aiming to join UA hero's course." The class stayed silent as they whisper among themselves, "Are they serious?" "I mean they are the strongest the school has." "With midoriya's quirk I say he is more versatile and Kaminari is a walking stun gun" "buuuuuuut...." Some of the class look at Katsuki who was nodding his head to some music.

Izuku POV

I'm really getting tired of his crap "alright everyone that's enough staring and talking, despite this being our last semester we still have a long way to go now focus!" The entire class stayed quiet and looked toward that damn teacher. I turn my attention toward Denki and nod at him, understanding what I meant he gave a Kat a small push before pointing at the front, telling him class has started.

Time skip brought to you by chibi Izuku playing around with a chibi Eri and a Little sister

As class was over and school was finish I was walking with Kat and Kami, leaving the premises. "Kat did you find another band again?" "Yup, *proceeds to take his phone out and show it to him* the band is called Trivium and the song was called "What the dead man says", I enjoy how the drums play out" "That's awesome man" Kami said as he wrapped his arms around both of us on our shoulders. "And hey, do you guys wanna head to the karaoke again, I think I'm finally close on hitting that high note!" I chuckle before responding. "Sounds fun and all but I need to head home, mom is trying to make new dish and she needs me to grab some ingredients." "What's aunty making this time?" Kat asked "Its called Katsudon, and honestly, I'm excited to give it a try, gotta go now, cya mates" I waved at them before walking away. Seeing the two wave back as i continue the walk towards the store.

No one POV

An hour and half has past since Izuku got some ingredients, while walking towards an underpass he heard a strange noise before hearing the lid of the sewer shot up, whipping his head back he saw a body of sludge look at him speaking. "Shit, didn't know He was gonna be here today, but hey a medium size skin suit, perfect." Shooting it's tendril towards izuku, the young teen, with a bit of effort, dodge them before lifting his right hand up as blue streaks of electricity run his veins. "Man you are the fourth most ugliest thing I've seen, and I've been at the bottom of the ocean!" He comment before shooting a streak of blue lighting towards the sludge, successfully hitting and stunning him, switching plasmids to his wind element, he was about to fire again until a large bulky man jumped out of the sewer.

"Fear not citizen, why? Because I AM HERE!!" The bulky figure shouted with pride but with reassurance before throwing a punch towards the still stunned sludge shouting "SMAASH" splattering the walls with the now unconscious villain, with izuku being blown away a few inches back. "That's quite a punch" he said, brushing the dust off of his sweater vest. Izuku handed All Might an empty water bottle before asking. "Hey, All Might can I ask you something?" "YES Citizen Please Ask Away."  I have a friend who is quirkless, but me and him trained when we were young, he is aspiring to be a hero, I know he can pull it off, but can he still be a hero without a quirk?" There is as silence before All Might responded, "It Sounds Like You And Your Friend Trained Real Hard For This, And Even If He Doesn't Have A Quirk, But The Harshest Reality Is That You Still Need A Quirk In Order To Take Down Much Powerful And Dangerous Villains, I'm Sorry But My Answer Is No, Now If You'll Excuse Me, I Need To Bring This Villain In." With a solemn look, All Might jumped with Izuku standing in place, stunned from the hero words before walking back to his bag only to notice that some of the ingredients flew away. "Damn...I need to go back and buy more."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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