The discovery (Werehog!Sonic x Male!Mobian!Wolf!Reader)

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(I found this video on YouTube. It looked pretty old and it seems like a beta trailer for Sonic Unleashed, so I felt inspired by it in a way. It looks so real and so well made that it just... Horrified me. In a good way too! X3 Enjoy!)

(Your POV)

I'm (Y/N) the wolf and I live on planet Earth with a bunch of other Mobians after our planet was desrtoyed by Dr. Robotnik, which everyone now calls Eggman. I'm just a teenager, but I live alone. Only fifteen and no family at all. Crazy, right? My family abandoned me a long time ago, but that didn't stop me from being free. The one thing wolves like myself do is have midnight walks. I loved the nighttime. The air was brisk and cool and I didn't have a care in the world. Like any amature, I did a bit of filming on my walks to see if I ever found anything interesting. Not on a camcorder, but on my phone camera. You never know when something like this comes in handy for views or something on MobiTube.

I have these very special GoPro gadgets on me, you see. One camera the faces the same direction I look and the other, on the back of my neck, that records everything behind me.

"So far, I've only seen a few squirrels, a weird pair of shoes by a dumpster, and a huge spider. Nothing special yet, everyone." I said into the camera. The night seemed to be going on forever before I realized how late it had gotten and decided to head home. I found myself taking shortcuts through alleyways before I heard something that made me jump out of my skin and almost scream. It was a loud, monsterous howl. I couldn't make out what it was trying to say. It was like a wolf call mixed with mumbo jumbo and gibberish. It just sounded like a normal howl to any other person. Not to mention how close it sounded. I must have blacked out for a second, because the next thing I knew, I was running for my life through the empty streets. I could have sworn that I heard a snarling noise getting closer and closer, making me run faster. It was like my brain was telling me not to stop, no matter how tired my legs got.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something swing from the lamppost above me and onto a rooftop. I skidded to a stop, finally catching my breath as I realized it wasn't chasing me anymore. What was much better was I didn't realize I was still recording everything. I might even be able to get a look at the creature when I get home. I paused the recording, running home through the woods. Unfortunately, as soon as I got home, I had to go back outside to bring in some fire wood to warm my house for the night. I just wanted to go to bed as soon as possible. But, I got the firewood and went back inside. Another stupid thing I did was leave the dumb box open for Earth beavers to steal for their dams, so I had to go back outside to close and lock the metal box where I keep my wood. But, then, I saw something looking at me from the tree line as I stepped on my porch. It had these glowing green eyes and this humongous figure, like an Earth wolf, only much bigger. I slowly and carefully opened the front door, letting it creak on it's hinges as it opened just enough for me to quickly run inside and lock it up.

Since I am a very cautious person, I have about seven locks on my door, not to mention the wood was the sturdiest wood I could find. Not even an axe could break through it without dulling the blade. However, I didn't feel safer. I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door, quickly grabbed my cans of lavender scented spray, dousing everything in my room, including myself, with it, so it couldn't smell me. I heard loud, heavy footsteps quickly running up the stairs as I threw the cans away and hid under the bed. The creature slammed the door open and shut, sniffing around the room while trying to find me. I tried my best to silence my breathing, however, it was all in vain, for this monster had heard me anyway and dragged me out from under the bed. I wanted to call for help, but no one would even hear me if I did since I'm so far out. I just gave up, laying sprawled out on the floor, looking up at the creature. It growled, making me shut my eyes slowly, but tightly, as the tears fell. I felt the creatures tongue lap against my cheeks, licking the tears away.

As my eyes slowly opened, I expected the creature to be looking at me like I was a meal, but it seemed like I was looking at an Earth puppy rather than an Earth wolf. It's ears were folded down and it seemed to be doing the ever so adorable dog face. It licked my face again before it kissed me sweetly and gently. I don't know why, but I kissed back. It felt blissful. My first ever kiss was with a werewolf. A handsome one at that. As we parted, it looked me in the eyes before it zoomed out of the room and back into the forest. I looked through the window and watched as it stopped at the treeline, looking back at me with this devistated look in it's eyes, as if saying "If you knew who I was, you wouldn't love me anymore.". My ears folded back in sadness once my newfound mate had dissapeared into the dark of the cold winter night. I lay in my bed, thinking of what could have happened had that werewolf been here for something else. Was it always watching me? Is it someone I know? These thoughts repeated over and over again in my mind as I drifted off to sleep, hoping to once again see one of my latest discoveries. Perhaps in a dream.

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