Drowning (Sonic x Anthro!reader)

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(Basically, you're a species of animal/human that's a small anthropomorph. Humans call your kind "Anthropets". It's illegal to keep your species as a pet, but the name sticks for some reason.)

(Your POV)

I'm an anthropet. A type of humanoid animal. Basically, we have a couple features that mimic animals, like ears and tails, but not entirely. We're small, so we always have to wear these special wrist bands in public places. The wrist bands basically just help us open doors, call for taxis, or clock us into work when we need to. Because we're small, the wrist bands immediately stop moving cars if they get too close to us via sensors unless we're in the vehicle. Our children are tiny as well. They may come in eggs depending on our breeds, like birds or fish. To be specific, I'm a/an (A/T).

Now, with that out of the way, it's time to tell my story.

I was sitting on the couch of my little apartment, one specifically made for antrhopets, when I heard some news of a blue hedgehog-like creature being kidnapped in the area. "Strange. Our species doesn't have colors besides our natural hair, eye, and fur color. Blue hedgehog? Sounds like hair dye." I said to myself. I decided I had enough TV for the night and went down to the beach for some quiet time. But, the beach was closed off because of the sharks causing problems. "Great..." I said to myself. I then just decided to go back home, but blacked out all of a sudden before I could even reach my street.

When I woke up, I found myself in some kind of glass tube with IVs stuck in my arms. I look around, seeing other animals. Not anthropets, but animals. They look like anthropets, but they aren't at all. I could tell. I look over in the other room, one with a bunch of windows so I could see inside, and saw some kind of dog-like creature torturing a poor defenseless creature. It looked like a hedgehog, but it was green and had blue eyes and sharp teeth with scars on it's chest. It appeared to be experiencing some kind of waterlogging torture from the dog. This dog wore a mask, but I could see what it looked like anyway. I closed my eyes, seeing a round headed robot and a blocky headed robot approach my tube. It took the IVs out of me and forced me out of the tube.

They then forced me into the torture room, but not before some metal hedgehog that suspiciously looked like the one mentioned on the news escorted the green hedgehog out and back into his tube. He looked at me, silently pleading with me to help him, but there really was nothing I could do. The metal thing went back to escort a red echidna, whome I had no idea was even in here before, into his tube as well. This echidna looked exausted and had burns on it, like it was electrocuted. He gave me the same pleading look, but again, there was nothing I could do. They sat me down in some kind of chair, clasping some shackles around my wrists and ankles.

"Tell me, where are the chaos emeralds?" The dog asked me. "What the hell are the chaos emeralds? Man, you've got the wrong (A/T). I just wanted to go to the beach and have some time alone. Why am I here?" I complained. "You're here because we know of your family origins." He replied. "Family origins? I know we're associated with the great god Amaterasu, but we're not that special. People forgot our legends over time." I explained. Just then, a blue hedgehog was forced into the room. "Infinite, please! You don't know what you're doing!" The hedgehog pleaded. "SILENCE!" The dog, which I now know as Infinite, yelled at the blue hedgehog. The hedgehog flinched.

Now where have I seen this hedgehog before. "Sonic the hedgehog, you will face your worst fear until you tell me where those emeralds are." Infinite snapped his fingers, making the two robots from earlier pull the hedgehog towards a catwalk leading above a glass cylinder with water droplets rolling down the sides. It looked like some kind of tank. One that holds water. It had a tube running into the side of it, assuming that's where the water came from. The hedgehog then started panicking. "NO NO NO NO NO NO! INFINITE! PLEASE! NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT!" He cried, desperately trying to get away.  "Pathetic..." Infinite snarled, kicking the hedgehog into the cylinder. I could see him much better now. He looked at me with tears streaming down his face. I didn't even notice the wierd looking shackles on his ankles until I looked down.

A loud buzzer was heard and the tank started to quickly fill with water as the hedgehog was running around in a desperate attempt to get out. Infinite and the others left, leaving Sonic and I all alone. "Help! Please! Somebody help us!" The blue creature cried out. That Infinite fellow must have thought I was powerless, but I had a trick up my sleave. I slid my thin, (paw/talon/etc)-like feet out of my shoes and got them free. I used them to reach the button on the table beside me and freed myself from the chair. I then ran to Sonic's aid, reaching down to him. "Take my hand!" I called to him. He instantly ran to me, reaching up to me, but he was too far down.

Then, I had an idea. I rushed down from the catwalk and got one of the many chains from one of the tables meant for torture and ran back to Sonic, letting the chain down into the tank. He grabbed the chain as tight as he could and pulled him out just as the water reached his chin. He gasped and panted, relieved that he was out of there. Then, he looked at me in pure shock and disbelief. "H-H-How did you do that?" He asked. I smiled. "I just restorted to my impeccable improv skills." I said with a funny accent. We both laughed. Then, he looked down at the shackles on his ankles. I smirked, pulling a bobby pin out from under my hair, one that I keep hidden on my persin at all times, and picked the locks on them. Once his ankles were free, he stood up and took my hand, running out of the room at an inhuman speed.

I saw him curl up into a ball after he lept at the glass cylinders holding all of the other odd animals, to which I picked the locks on all of their shackles afterward, and we all escaped the awful facility that held us captive. Sonic ran across the entire world with me in his arms and dropped me off at my apartment building. "Thanks for taking me home." I said. "Thanks for saving me and my friends." He replied. He then pulled me really close, kissing me right on the lips, and held me there for Amaterasu knows how long. When he pulled away, he turned to leave, but I stopped him. "Wait." I said. He looked at me, confused. "What is it?" He asked. I pulled him close, just as he did to me, and gave him a kiss back. "Will I ever see you again?" I asked, pulling away. "Of course." He replied to me.

"You never told me your name, by the way." A smirk grew on his face. "Oh. I'm (Y/N)." I said. "I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog." He said, and took off at the speed of sound without a trace. I smiled to myself, hearing his name in my head over and over again. Even as I laid there in bed, I never stopped thinking about Sonic. "What a handsome hedgehog." I whispered to myself and drifted off to sleep.

(I made this with very little effort, so I'm sorry if it sucks.)

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