This time, it's about you. (Movie!Sonic x Human!reader)

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(Hello again. It's me. As of now, I am typing on a computer, so paragraphs might be much longer. Let's get the plot ball rolling, shall we?

You're the adopted child of Tom and Maddie Wachowski. You lived in an orphanage before they decided to take you in, so for ten whole years, you got to know them really well. You even gave them silly nicknames like Dad Cop [Tom] and Doctor Mom [Maddie]. Anyways, your adventure starts...


(Your POV)

So, I know what you're thinking; "What is this adorable little human girl doing with an alien hedgehog?" Well, it's almost like my whole life has just been very very weird. Am I not being clear enough? Yeah, I tend to be like that. Let's go back. All the way back to Manhattan, New York, where I spent three years of my life in an orphanage. An awful, smelly orphanage with an awful head mistress. She'd beat us girls every single day for almost no reason. She was just as rotten as miss Hannagan from that movie Annie. It's one of my favorite movies! But, after the Wachowski's adopted me, I never felt safer now than I did before. With a family. 

So, that's my backstory! Now, how did I meet this hedgehog? Quite simple! It all started about six months ago, right here in Green Hills, Montana. It's a beautiful town with wonderful people! But, my favorite person is Dad Cop! Protector of this town and all creatures big and small! I also really enjoy Doctor Mom, who is also Miss No-Bones on occasion. Dad Cop works alongside uncle Wade. He's really cautious, but really sweet! Just a big ol' teddy bear! Another one of my personal favorites is the town lunatic. Meet Crazy Carl! He's always got this huge conspiracy about a creature he calls "the blue devil". Crazy, right? It's kinda funny seeing him all strung up in the morning when me and Dad Cop go out for early morning slushies or hot cocoa, depending on the season. Anyways, back in the now, I was sipping on my slushy and eating my chili dog in the back seat while Dad Cop was watching the road for a speeding car. Of course him and I were fooling around and telling jokes while we waited for a speeder. Well, we caught one. Keyword "caught". 

"Hang on. I think I got something." He said. I looked out the window to see where he was pointing the speed radar at an innocently passing turtle. Even though it was only going a mile an hour, I decided to crack up a joke. "Hey, buddy! Where's the fire?" I yelled to the turtle. Dad Cop smirked and continued my joke. "We got kids living around here!" We both howled with laughter before apologizing to the poor turtle as Dad Cop reset the speed radar. "Sorry! Just a joke! Hehe!" "Thought it was funny!" After we finally settled down, the speed radar flipped out because of a gust of wind. It read "296" before Dad Cop reset it again. "What happened?" I asked. "I have no idea, kiddo." He replied. I kept my eye on the road in the opposite direction of where the wind came from, but whatever it was blew past me as I blinked and I missed it, but luckily, Dad Cop caught it again on the radar. This time, the number went up to "300" before he reset it once again. Me and him stared at each other wide eyed before he stepped out of the car to investigate. "(Y/N), stay there." He ordered. "Yes, sir." I replied, anxious of what he was going to find out there. I saw him pull something out of the nearby disturbed bush before uncle Wade called in an emergency, making him speed walk back to the car with a blue thing in his hand. 

Apparently, a duck stole a bagel. Yeah. That was the big emergency. Anyway, me and Dad Cop spent the whole day together before we finally went home for the night. I had homeschool stuff to finish up anyway. Plus, he let me drive because I finished my drivers test last week and got my learners permit today. Of course, our trashcans were invaded by racoons, which Dad Cop chased off. We got inside and Ozzie immediately jumped on me and started licking my face. "Hi, Ozzie! You don't eat garbage, do you?" I cooed to him. "Maddie, as Green Hills most beloved and respected veterinarian, what is the fastest way to exterminate a racoon?" Dad Cop asked sarcastically. Then, Doctor Mom handed him an envelope. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked. She nodded and beckoned him to open it. He opened up the envelope and read the letter aloud, announcing that he was accepted to the San Francisco police department. Me and Doctor Mom cheered happily and hugged him tightly, congratulating him on his big success. Doctor Mom even brought out a cake for him. Yup! We celebrated that night! Unfortunately, they both had to start packing some stuff up in the night so they could fly down to San Francisco to look at some apartments. They had to leave me alone at the house since I wasn't old enough to get a passport or buy a plane ticket. And aunt Rachel didn't really like me or Dad Cop that much. 

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