Secrets (Sonic x male!reader LEMON)

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(You and Sonic are in a secret relationship, thanks to Amy. That was sarcasm. Yeah. She's been chasing Sonic around, but Sonic's heart was already taken by you. He wanted a way to protect you from her wrath, so you guys meet in secret. Lemon warning.)

(Your POV)

I let out a sigh, looking up at the clock. "He's late..." I mumbled, getting worried. Then, I heard a knock at the door. I quickly tiptoed over, looking through the peep hole. It was him. I smiled, letting him in and giving him a tight squeeze after closing the door. "Were you followed?" I asked him. "No. I checked twice every five minutes. Don't worry." He said with a chuckle. We both smiled at each other, a look of lust in both of our eyes as we closed in for a kiss. This is Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog. The hero of Mobius. Loved by all. And me included. Because, he's my boyfriend. The thing is, he's got a girl chasing after him twenty-four seven. Her name is Amy Rose. Honestly, I'm scared of her. I can't imagine what would happen if she found out about us. After we parted, Sonic walked behind me, grabbing me by the back of the neck and pushing me towards the bedroom. I immediately got excited, knowing exactly what he was planning. When he pushed me down on the bed, I played coy and rolled over to face him. He just smirked at me, taking off his belt and binding my wrists together. I got even more excited watching him take my pants off, pawing at my buldge like a kitten to a toy. But, playtime was soon over when we were both completely stripped naked, making out like is was the end of the world.

I felt him enter me, making a moan escape my lips. No matter how many times we've done this, he always satisfies me. With each of his thrusts, his grunts, his groans, and kisses, it sparks more embers in me than usual. It's just sad to know this has to end sooner or later and we must go back to pretending we don't know each other. Until then, I savor moments like these. After our climax, we both collapsed on the bed, panting heavily. It still felt amazing to be with him like this. But, the next day, he was gone. Sometimes, when I wake up to that, I start crying. I want to be able to wake up to him still sleeping. To be able to poke him awake or to snuggle up to him and sleep in. I have to figure out a way to make this work. I want us to stop meeting in secret. So, I went to the only person I knew I had to tell. Amy Rose. I found her on the street outside a small clothing shop and approached her. "Oh, hi! Have we met before?" She asked. "No, but... I... I wanted to tell you something, Amy..." I felt a bit nervous immediately. But, I sucked it up. "Oh. Um... What did you wanna tell me?" She got curious. "Y-You know Sonic the hedgehog?" I asked. "Yeah? Why?" She tilted her head. "I... Uh... Well... It's sort of hard to explain but... H-Him and I... We're... We're a..." I couldn't say it at all. "You're what?" She stared.

I just accepted my death then and there. "We're... L... L-Lo... Lovers..." Goodbye life. "Oh. You're his boyfriend?" I opened my eyes, which I didn't realize were shut. "Huh?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Listen, whatever your name is, just because I like, well, liked, Sonic, doesn't mean I'm not gonna give him a shot at actually finding someone. If you really are his boyfriend, then that's that. Every girl has to move on sooner or later. I'm gonna be honest, I found out Sonic likes guys LONG before we even met. How do I know that? Well, I found out that he's been texting someone called (Y/N) for a long time, which I assume is you." She looked at me, waiting for a response, so I nodded. "Well, (Y/N) I need to face the facts. It breaks my heart to know Sonic has taken a liking in someone besides me, but that's the way life is. It's cruel and unfair, but there are plenty of hedgehogs on Mobius. It's not like they're gonna dissapear off the face of the planet." She smiled at me. "But, a word of advice, never make that hedgehog mad. He's terrifying when he's angry." She then turned and walked away. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing I get to live another day. But, how am I gonna tell Sonic?

I'll figure it out.

When I went back to my apartment later that day, I called Sonic and told him to meet up with me. Not even fifteen minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. When I answered it, I prepared for the worst. "What's up, babe? Why the short notice? Did you just miss me that much?" He joked, but I wasn't laughing. "Take a seat..." I said in a monotone voice. Sonic looked a little shaken, but sat down on the couch anyway. "(Y/N), what is it?" He sounded panicked. I was ready. For anything. For the worst. For hell. "I told Amy about us." I blurted out, seeing the blue hedgehogs ears flatten in anger and rage fill his eyes. "You WHAT!?" He shouted, making me flinch. "B-B-But, don't worry! She understands! She was really chill about it! I swear!" I tried to calm him down, but he was still angry. "You went behind my back and told the crazy chick that's been chasing me around for years that we're a couple! Do you realize what could happen to us!? Amy isn't the only girl out there who likes me!" He was starting to scare me. "I... I just... I just want us to stop being so secret... I want to be able to wake up to you in the morning... To go out on dates with you... To spend more time with you... This secret relationship is driving me insane..." I started crying. "But, you should have told me! We should have talked about it first!" He didn't lower his voice at all. I cried more. Amy warned me about this. He really is terrifying when he's mad. Especially when... When I tried to get close to him. I wanted to hug him, kiss him, comfort him, but he shoved me away and turned his back to me. I tried again, but this time, he hit me. I felt my own soul leave my body the moment it happened and I held my cheek with tears streaming out.

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