Too slow (Vampire!Sonic x trans!female!reader)

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(So, you're a girl who was born a guy, but you loved wearing dresses and makeup and all that feminine stuff. You were even taught how to make your voice sound much higher than it actually was. But, someone had taken a liking in you. But, who?

Keywords. Pay attention.

(F/A) = favorite animal
(F/N) = female name)

(Your POV)

The sound of my phone vibrating over and over again, playing one of my favorite songs, had awoken me from my slumber. My name is (Y/N). I'm a fifteen year old (F/A) and I'm a homeschool student. A transgender one at that. Of course, I'm actually a guy, but I try my best to look like a girl. It's a personal choice and I'd thank you not to judge me for it. Anyway, I grabbed my signature summer dress, my blue sneakers with little red flowers on them, and my bag, then went on my merry way into town. There were very few people who weren't supportive of my choice and lots who were. Two of them were my besties and the ones who were blowing up my phone this morning: Rouge and Amy. "Hey, girl! Ready to do some shopping?" The pale bat had asked me, giving me a tight squeeze. I put on the best feminine voice I could. "You know it!" I replied. We did everything from shopping to spa treatment, massages, karaoke, and late night bar dancing all day long. By the time the sun went down, we were all exhausted. "Uwaaaaah... Well, I'm tired... See you tomorrow (F/N), Rouge..." The pink hedgehog bid us goodbye. "See ya, (F/N). I think I'm gonna go do a little spying on a certain echidna~. Chao chao!" And off the white bat went. "Bye bye!" I waved them off and walked merrily back to my home. I lived in the suburban area of the huge city, so it was a pretty long walk. Not to mention, it was a ghost town at night. For some reason, people in the rural parts of the city had always warned each other, and myself, to get inside as soon as the sun goes down. I thought it was just some supernatural hokey pokey.

I mean, what's so scary about the sun going down? Ooooo! Spooky! Ya know? Well, I lived to regret that question, for I did not reach my house in time before I saw a mysterious figure by the street light. I gulped, but figured he was just lost or perhaps had nowhere to go. "Maybe he's apart of a gang... I'd better have my pepper spray at the ready..." I said to myself, approaching the mystery creature. He was a hedgehog with blue fur and quills with a tan muzzle and tummy. It almost looked cute and kinda soft. He had his eyes closed and he was wearing some kind of dark cloak, so I figured he was just a heavy cosplay and roleplay artist and played the part for him. "Excuse me," I began. "But... Why are you standing here all alone in the dark?" I asked him innocently, acting as a carefree and oblivious maiden for his sake in case he was a heavy rpg guy. His eyes opened to reveal crimson red irises. Eye contacts. I thought. "Just looking for food. I'm kinda hungry." He replied to me, gazing up and down to examine my figure. "Oh! Well, I suppose I should leave you too it then! But, if you're desperate, I'd be happy to give you food!" I offered. Sure, (Y/N), let a stranger into your home. I cursed to myself. "Well, I guess. But, I think... I found what I was hungry for right here~..." He said with a sinister glint in his eyes as he grabbed my shoulders. "W-Wait, what are you doing?" I struggled to get away. "Don't struggle. It'll only hurt more if you do~." He whispered in my ear. Then, he gently trailed kisses down my neck, biting down on a very sensitive area which caused me to moan. Though it hurt, it actually felt quite nice. "You're such a beautiful woman~. I suppose I'm quite lucky~." He said after he finished feeding on me. I pushed him away, punching him square in the face before running away as fast as I could towards my house. Before I could even reach the front door, something grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

I screamed in pain, tears falling out of my eyes. "L-Let go! Ow! You're hurting me!" I shouted. "Well, now we're even." I looked to see the weird guy again. How did he get behind me so fast? I didn't even hear him running after me! He harshly pushed me onto the lawn and slammed me against the grass, pinning me there. "Help! Someone help! Rouge! Amy! Somebody! Please!" I called, but nobody came. The monster covered my mouth, leaning down to my ear. "You're... Too... Slow..." He whispered. And then everything went black.

(To be continued...)

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