Tips for Young Writers

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I, myself am a young writer and I doubt myself a lot. I'm sure my books aren't the best right now, but I'm only thirteen! So, starting as a young writer might just help me in the future when I become more serious about being an author.

Here are a few tips that I believe can help young writers. For sure, they have helped me a lot!

1. Don't let people's criticism towards your book get to you. They aren't criticizing you, they are criticizing your book. Try and figure out ways to disconnect yourself from your book when you getting constructive criticism. You're young and probably inexperienced. Most authors go to college for creative or professional writing or have gone through writing programs to get where they are now.

2. When writing your first book, try not to think too far ahead. Don't worry yourself with the edits yet, just push through the first draft! Don't write to publish, write because it's what you love.

3. Find people that support and encourage you in your writing career or practically any other dream you have in your future.

4. When you can't describe it, search for similes. It can really help, just make sure you try and put your own spin to it.

5. If you need a break from a certain project, take a break. If you take a break and go back to it later, you might find writing it much easier.

6. No matter how bad you think it is, don't delete it. I regret deleting a lot of my stories because I couldn't write them well and now I can't go back and try rewriting them. So definitely don't do that!

7. Find other young authors and study their works or learn about their writing. You'd be shocked how many teens authors there are. 

8. It's a first draft, so don't worry about the mistakes you make.

9. Outlines can help, but they aren't meant for everyone. So, if you think you can go chapter by chapter, go for it! I'm a huge pantser. I don't think I've ever written down an outline.

10. Try writing every genre that you like!

11. Find those movies/books/music etc. that inspire you to write! And writing prompts, of course.

12. You don't need a deadline, however, they can be nice. I never put a long term deadline on myself, for instance, "I've got a year to finish this!" I usually try to stick with at least one chapter every week. But it all depends on if you're a slow or fast writer.

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