XVIX. Text

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Later on, there were now 2 love birds couple is it because of Gwyneth, sweetie ex-girlfriend of Rene just came. I can't even understand why the hell they're sweet, even they're ex mates. Does it say that ex-girlfriends were just that too awesome? Okay, they're under the bed. Oops, I mean, the bed was double deck. I'm on the upper bed. Rene just left me alone and very sad. Haha. Jonas and Bona were not yet here.

Okay, I knew it was just a simple story, but because of that I miss my damn ex. I miss the memories we have, like what they're now doing softly under the bed. Just kidding, I'm deeply missing her that time. I tried to text Jia to the point I'm so high not just like Marijuana but Marijiahannah. I miss this girl so much.

I'm waiting for her reply. My phone was on my face. I'm playing with the pillows weirdly. I felt sorry to myself because of my expectations. I'm becoming paranoid. I was hopeless. I made myself first habitual and comfortable on that time. I fell asleep. Just a few minutes after, suddenly my phone vibrated. Hell, I'm pissed. It just vibrated to my face. I just woke up. I lazily checked my phone. Jia just replied.

I texted her that I miss her so much and I went back to sleep. I'm half asleep.

quickly, she replied,

"imy too, aw kay?"

I'm not that believing though, but hell yeah butterflies in my stomach. My eyes went wide. I thought I'm half asleep. I got up.

I asked her that is it true that she miss me too?

She replied "sa tingin mo?"

Shet hahaaha

Ako: "amo ada kay kilala ko ikaw"

Jia: "oh seeeee?"


I'm very happy for this moment, even though I'm so stress and sweaty because it's very hot inside Kristha's room.

I'm bringing the smile while I'm going home. I'm with Jonas in the mutlicab. Jonas did a harsh job to the driver and he went out and ran away.

And what's next? The driver was killing me softly with his words, yelling at the crowd its because of what Jonas did. Hell yeah, I don't even care. I'm not him, but actually its very shameful. Anyways, I'm bringing the smile what Jia gave me, but I will never forget what you did Jonas!

"Hoy Jonas may batal kapa ha ak!"

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