Chapter 1: [A teeny... okay a humongous Surprise! ]

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It sucks when your uncle's restaurant is located in the most touristic area of the city, Thamel. Yeah, yeah it's good for the business and all but it is jam packed! Sweaty bodies everywhere on this burning, hot day. Global warming has taken it's toll. Hold up! Understatement of the century!

Well, like every Saturday, I'm buying veggies and groceries for the restaurant. Being uncle's favorite niece sure has it's perks! My summer holiday has just started and I'm working; it was fine during school days to help uncle with the restaurant but when will I rest?! As I carry all the paper bags, I think to myself that I should be having a delish smoothie in my hand instead and I should be by the poolside flashing! Ha-ha no! But swimming in my bikini, showing my body that I worked so hard for. Oh but I can't really swim. I can't swim at all. Need to learn soon!!! Add that on my 'to-do' list.

I finally reached the restaurant, dumped all the supplies, washed up and took a seat nearby the window, my favorite spot. The sight of the hustle and bustle outside and the array of tourists from all around the world somehow seemed to interest me.

Whatever! This is not how I should be spending my summer breaks. And my shameless uncle just told me to come to the restaurant any time I'm free to help him! Crazy uncle say what?! Of course I'm free all holiday because during the holidays, a person is supposed to be... free? But that doesn't mean I come to the restaurant of yours to work my ass off every single day. But wow, on the bright side, I get a fat salary! NOT!!!! Even if I did, I would save my time for lazy mornings, movies and pizzas!

I should be spending my holidays the way I dreamt I would during boring bio periods! But instead, I have a long list of potatoes, salami, baking powder, lettuce, beans, pulses, salt to buy. Holiday=chores is sooo not what I had in mind and...

"Excuse me, love..."

My mind rant was cut off short by a... British accent? It wasn't the "hello, I was born in London, raised in London, Yes! I'm from London" kind but it was the gorgeous kind of accent which said "I'm not pure Brit but hey, my accent is drop dead sexy."

"If I'm not mistaken, you work here right?", the voice said.

Now it didn't help one bit that my uncle made me wear the restaurant's logo and name printed tee; "The breakfast club". Yes, everyone loves the movie 'the breakfast club' including my uncle.

I turned around to tell the person that I so did not work as a waitress when....


I let out the fan girl scream. It's something like that. Yeah. You and I both know that we've done it a million times. No? Liar. While watching 'This is Us'? O.K., so if you're not into the One Direction craze then maybe when Matt Damon kissed Emily Blunt in "the Adjustment Bureau" (must watch movie alert!)? Well, you get the gist.

Yes ugly glares were thrown at me like knives while James McAvoy just chuckled at me. Yes! That wasn't a typing error but James freaking McAvoy was in Nepal! That's not his middle name though.

"Oh my god you're in Nepal!", I said in a hushed tone. "Sorry, I'm just so excited to see you here!"

"Well yes, I'm here.", he grinned. "And you do work here right?"

I explained to him that I was the owner's niece but that I would happily serve him as I knew my way around the place.

"And what do you suggest I have? I don't know what to try. My assistant bailed on me for a whole day of sleep. Jetlag is having the best of him".

"Ah. Poor him..", I sympathized. "Well you should definitely have the Nepali Thali. It's a typical Nepali lunch with rice and other side dishes. It's yum!"

"Nepali tali it is then... please." He mispronounced "thali". So cute!

I was about to give in his order when...

"And perhaps you could join me? I hate being alone and would enjoy some company, that is if you do not mind. What would youlike to have?"

I would be a fool not to join him! I'm not one, obviously.
...............end of chapter...............
So how was the chapter? I hope I didn't bore you guys with all the "James" fandom and complaining in the chapter. If you did like the chapter please vote, comment, share and follow. It would be much appreciated to hear from you guys whether it be negative or positive.

And one more thing, to fit this story, I've fiddled with James McAvoy's family history (you'll find out later) and his accent and his heritage and everything so please don't complain about "facts".

He is actually Scottish and his Scottish accent is sooo hot but I'm imagining his 'Charles Xavier' accent so yes he is half British-half American here. I let it out! It doesn't matter but yeah. Oh and he isn't married in this story but is, in real life to Anne Marie Duff. So that's the end of the rant.


Xxx Supu.

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