Chapter 4: [Hello to you too Grump.]

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I'm going to New York!!! YAaaaaaaeeeeeeeeee. Okay that was not needed.

What???!!!! I'm going to New York. That was so appropriate. Though I do feel bad for leaving mum alone to look after grandma. But she assured me that grandma was getting better and that aunty Priya was gonna help her. Apparently mum loves James and she told me that I needed to 'chill' and 'act my age'. Whatever she means.

OOOooooh. And you might be wondering how James lives in New York when he has that lush British accent. Well, everything's on the internet so he didn't have to explain it to me. Every McAvoy fan knows his family history, like I do.

His dad was British. Yeah, was. He passed away some 12 years back. His father fell in love with a spunky New Yorker. Yep, there's 'spunky' written in the wiki. Apparently her mother taught his father how to 'live'. After James was born, he was sent to Britain for education like his father. So he is really close to his British cousins than the Americans. He told me this one. It's not in the wiki. His father had a business in Britain so the whole family stayed there but when his father passed away, his mother brought him back to the US to rub some American-ness to him but he is still British-y. Haha. As for acting, he went to acting school yep. His father was friends with Robert De Niro , so that rubbed off on him.

Enough James' history. Did I tell you that I'm on the plane? Well hurrah after some 20 hours flight and transit and another more hours I'll be in 'the concrete jungle where dreams are made of' (I hope I got the lyrics correct). Sing it with me! I better stop being this lame. Gosh.


Yes, that was written on the placard that James was holding up, waiting for me. For a millionth time, we can't help being lame but...cute. Oh he's not alone.

A tall, handsome, too handsome of a guy with those cheek bones like Edward Cullen and piercing dark blue eyes, dark brown disheveled hair was standing beside James. Dressed in simple jeans and a jumper; when did a person look so hot in just plain clothes? Seems like he jumped right out of a magazine cover. Hands in his jumper pockets, he stood with a grumpy face staring right at me. No, right into me. He seemed... upset, at my arrival? What's up his knickers now? Do I know him?

"Lucy!!!! I missed you!", James gave me a humongous hug that lasted for minutes and just made my body go up and down. I hope you get what I mean.

"Ahhh. I missed you too. But please stop trying to murder me.", I said with a muffled voice.

"Oh. Really sorry", he chuckled. "Oh and meet Nicolai Cumberbatch here my cousin from the UK. You might know him from ' Dr. Shmuck and Charlie' (ha-ha what a name?) and 'Heaven is here'?"

Ohhhh. I do know him. He was in those two movies when he was a kid. Those two movies were the buzz when we were kids. Apparently he had left acting to focus on education and all that boring stuff.

"Oh yes! I loved those movies. "Dr. Shmuck wants us to go to hell Philly. When does the next bus to hell arrive?", I remembered a dialogue from the movie and said it out. While James cracked a loud laugh, Nicolai seemed unimpressed. He just raised his eyebrows at me. No wonder he was in a movie called 'Shmuck'..

"Er...Well, nice to meet you" And I gave out my hand for a shake because I had no idea what to do. And he just grunted in response. Way to be a gentle man! And my hand was just hanging in the air. Way to be an idiot...

I saw James give Nicolai the evil eye and what a cutie, he caught my hand which was still hanging in the air and led us to the baggage claim.

We three were now in the car and heading to James' house. The Grump was driving. Yeah I've decided to call Nicolai 'Grump'. Sue me but that man hasn't learned to smile. I just had the urge to shout out 'make that frown go upside down' but he'd think I'm a greater fool than he already thinks. So..yeah.

James and I were in the backseat talking.

"So Lu, did you check out the trailers for the new X men?"

I honestly had no time. After James called to invite me to the US, it was all such a blur. I had to go shopping, organize, pack and blah blah so, "Oh no. I haven't been able to." I said.

"Yeah, no worries. Well Nicolai is back in the movies and he is the new mutant in the movie this time. Suffice to say the protagonist in this one. The premiere's in New York. We're all very excited, aren't we Nicolai?", James said.

"Yeah, I...guess", Nic-, oh Grump said.

"Congratulations!", I said. Just not to be mean. Oh............ So he was the 'heart-throb, janty-dropping handsome' actor Zee was telling me about. Yeah exact words. Janty is apparently the mixture of 'jaw' and 'panty'. Hah! Grump gave me a stare while James tried to hold back a laugh.

Shit! Did I say that out loud?? God!!!!

Grump pulled over. We arrived to one of the most beautiful homes I've ever seen. It wasn't huge but it was just the right size with a very homy feeling to it. It wasn't the kind of house I expect celebrities to have. It had both the styles of a mansion and a cottage and had a lovely garden with three dogs running around. I love dogs!

"Lucyyyyy dear!!!!!!!!", I heard someone scream out.
.......end of chapter.....

Yeah. You can probably guess who that is. James' mum obviously.

And Hello to Nicolai. He's finally here. He doesn't talk much, eh? We'll make him soon. Don't worry.

I hope the chapter wasn't too boring for your liking. But please comment, share, vote and follow. It would mean a lot to me. I want to hear the complaints too if you guys have any. But don't be mean.

Any advices? I want them.

Xxx, Supu.

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