Chapter 2: [Behold! Narnia comes to life]

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"It was lovely meeting you...Lucy"

I laughed at how lame he was. Really. But it was really cute of him to call me 'Lucy', as I'd told him about my love for Narnia and how I fell in love with Mr.Tumnus (James McAvoy played the role of Mr.Tumnus in Narnia) and how I desperately wanted to be Lucy.

"I had a marvelous time with you too Mr.Tumnus. Really, today's one lucky day of my life", I said back to him. Gee I am such a hypocrite. I'm lame too!

"O.K. Now I must get going. Have to get ready for tomorrow. I hope I'll see you around?" With that James went off.

James told me that they'd come to shoot for their new movie which was going to be about a mountaineer and his journey to the Himalayas so they were to trek to the mountain region of our country. So far no one had recognized him but had given him confused glances as he said. The movie team had wanted to finish shoot without any hustle so had rejected any amount of paparazzi or publicity.

It'd been about a week and some days after my meeting with James. Uncle had let me off the hook on the Saturday that came after, so, so far my holiday was spent with lazy mornings, movie marathons and lots and lots of pizza orders like I wanted. Movie marathons is not a waste of time!

~ I hate to see you cry lying there in that position, there's things you need to hear so turn off your tears and listen. Pain throws you he- ( Heart of life - John Mayer. 'Must listen to' song! )

My ringtone interrupted my thoughts...

It was Sammy uncle. Breakfast club again? Seriously there are staffs there too.

"What's up uncle Sam?", I answered. "Something urgent has come up?... What's wrong?........ You want me to come there this minute, sorry second?!. But I'm so ti-".

He hung up on me.

Maybe something has come up... or he wants me to work for him. I'm not going.

Dee da dum daa daa dee....

O.K. I am!

Good thing the restaurant is like 45 min away from my place. Kindly note the sarcasm.

-I pushed the restaurant door open dramatically. Ooooh, business is going good today. So, he needed an extra hand.

"What's so urgent uncle dear?", I said scrunching up my right brow.

"Hey Ayesha you're here!"

I turned around to see James!

Then I looked at uncle back again and he just chuckled.

Oh! Now I get it! Uncle called me to the restaurant after he saw James. Ah I feel so guilty...

I gave uncle an apologetic plus a thankful smile.

"You remember my name. My real name.", I said to James after my shock that I got to meet him again. Apparently he was a 'sticker'. Well, that is just my word for people who stick to the places they like. He had seemed to love the 'thali' and after a week of trailing in the mountains, he wanted to have it again. Shooting was over. He expressed how enchanted he was to see the world's tallest mountain with his bare eyes, in front of him.

"Well I'm offended Lucy. Of course I remember, your name is Ayesha." He 'Duh'-ed me. What a gentle man!

James and I got on really well. I don't know how I imagined him to be but he's like the epitome of 'the most likeable' person. He's so down to earth and speaks to you as if you've been his friend for years. And his sense of humor is spot on. A huge plus point for sense of humor. And we have the same music choices too; The Beatles, Aerosmith, My Chemical Romance (my FAVORITE!) INXS, Michael Bublè, Norah Jones... The guy loves Norah Jones! How great is he?!

He's the brother I never had and I'm his little sis. Yes we're soul siblings now! Hurrah!

What, you expected us to fall in love? No! I'm 19 and he is 30 (35 in real life..hehe)

He and I call each other 'Mr.Tumnus' and 'Lucy'. Yes, we two are a lame bunch.

James introduced me to the movie team too and I introduced him to my mum and my best friend Zenab. Uhhhh. She's a girl and it's a Muslim name. While the team left right after the shoot, James increased his stay so that I could take him for some sightseeing.

And now he's went back. Welcome back normal life.....where normal stands for 'sucky'.
.....end of chapter......
So? How was it? Some of you may feel that the story is going slow, but hey it's just the second chapter and you do not want the romance to just turn up like 'SChling!!' in front of you.

Isn't James the cutest? I'm sure many of you have dreamt of being friends (or lovers? Hmmm...) with your fave celeb. I so want to meet Bono, Matt Damon, Jessica Biel, Hillary Swank, Joe Hart (hot Goalie alert!), James Franco (another hottie with the name 'James') etc etc. and 1D ofcourse! James just tops the list though.

You'll swoon when you watch 'Wanted'.

O.K. Meet you at chapter 3.

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Xxx Supu

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