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Kaia looked at Rick as the stopped at a gas station. He put his arms around her and kissed her. Shane looked at his sister with a glare as he watched them get in the car. Lori got in the car with Linda. Rick looked back at Shane and nodded at him as it was time to go. Rick got in and looked at Kaia. "Ready?"

"Let's see where the road takes us, baby."

Carl looked between them as they kissed. He smiled as they left. He had a mom and a dad. Kaia may not be by blood, but like he said before. She took care of him. Sophia leaned against Carol as they went down the road. Kaia looked out the window thinking of how they got this far.
Kaia was asleep in the passenger seat when she heard something whining. "What happened?"

"Dale's RV." Rick tells her causing her to nod.

Kaia didn't hear much as she had a very bad feeling about this road. All the abandon cars. "Something's not right about this." She tells them as they all look at her. "I'm not comfortable with this idea."

Everyone started searching causing Carl to hold her hand. Kaia smiled as she looked through cars. "Carl." He looked at her. "Stay where I can see."


"Same goes for you, Sophia."

Kaia sighed as she continued to search. She stopped to see a book bag causing her to grab it. Rick saw her and grabbed her. "Under the car, baby."

'What?" She said as she turned to see the walkers. "Shit."

Hiding under the car, Kaia watched as the walkers went by. She saw Linda across from her as they nodded at one another to stay quiet. Kaia saw Sophia in front of her causing her to hope and pray that girl stays hid. When the last walker walked by, Kaia didn't move, but she saw Sophia moving. "Shit." She said as she got out off under the car.

"Mom!" Carl cried out as Kaia ran after her.

Rick followed the two as he wasn't losing a child and his girlfriend.
Kaia stopped as they didn't hear the walkers. She turned and almost screamed seeing Rick. "Damnit, Rick." She said. "Give someone a heart attack."

"I'm sorry baby, but we need to go now."

Hearing the two growls, Kaia let Rick lead the way. Sophia held onto Kaia till the ran to the creek bed. "I'll be right back." He tells Kaia.

"What are you doing, baby?"

"Hiding Sophia."

Kaia nodded as she looked for the walkers. Hearing the growling, Kaia was grabbed by Rick and the two ran. "I'll go this way and you lure the other one to away."


Rick kissed her. "I love you, Kaia."

"I love you, Rick."

Rick watched Kaia whistle at the walker near by and lured it away. Kaia stopped and found a weapon to use. She heard the walker and smirked. She swung the rock at the walker knocking it down before she got on top of it to kill it.
On her way back, Kaia noticed it was getting dark. When she heard voices, Kaia walked slowly to see her brother, Rick, Daryl, Linda, and Glenn. "Oh thank god."

Rick looked to see Kaia. He ran and kissed her. Shane sighed in relief that his sister was safe. "Are you okay?"

Kaia looked at her brother shocked. "You are actually worried about me?"

"We may hate each other, but we're still family."

"I'm alive." She tells him. "Where's Sophia?"

"We don't know."
Carl saw Kaia and ran to her. "Mom!" He said hugging her.

"I'm fine." She tells him.

"Have they found Sophia?" Carol asked.

"Not yet, but we're losing daylight. Hopefully she found a safe place because Daryl, Rick and Linda will be coming out of there soon."
The next day, Kaia was ready to go back in the woods, but she was bringing Carl with her because he wanted to help. She wasn't going to deny him like Lori tried to, but that made the situation a bit more complicated for her and Carl. They saw a tent, but no one was in there and then there was the church. Which was another dead end.

"We're going to continue our search and meet back up with you all."

"Be careful." She tells Rick as he kissed her. "Carl?"

"I'm going." He tells her.

"Listen to your dad and be careful."

He nodded as he handed her the gun. "No." She tells him. "I'll be fine with my knife and you need that more."

"I have a spare." Daryl gave her the spare. "Let's get going."

Kaia saw the look on Andrea's face causing her to roll her eyes. Here comes the drama.

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